I would like to ask how we can add signatures to our posts? Are there any requirements? Thx

Yes, there are requirements.
More information: http://www.holidaytruths.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=30674

and nobody has had the courtesy to reply, IMHO I can't see what I want breaking any forum rules.Regards a1gjv
PS I have had to insert my signature manually
In order to allow members to advertise their website in their signatures we are allowing the following.
Two line of text including one link. ie Name return (no spaces) then link.
The link should be holiday related and we reserve the right to remove links we feel are not acceptable without explaination.
Members must request their signatures be switched on.
Please send a PM to an admin to have this activated.
Anyone breaking the above will have their right to use a signature revoked without notification.
Effective as of 22/04/05
Note these conditions and you may perhaps understand why your request for a signature was declined.
MarkJ HT Mod
Thanks for you comments but may be I did not explain myself properly. I did read what Van said and I can see nothing wrong in requesting as my signature Regards a1gjv unless I have missed something.
advertise their website in their signatures
The link should be holiday related
Trust this clarifies it.

Seems a bit of an odd request. Nobody on HT has name signatures, folk have the option to type their name if they want to. It's not a chat site, it's a holiday info site. It would make every post take up more space and the forum look messy IMHO.

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