Hi Gozomark, I know of a bar in Malta where Lacto is normally available in bottles, but I have seen it in more supermarkets than I have pubs, Lacto is actually an old fashioned milk stout brewed / primed using milk sugars (Lactose) hence the name Lacto, I have a bottle here but it doesn't state the abv, but it is very nice tasting although not very potent, some Maltese also use it as a marinade for Fenek dishes (rabbit).
I also have a bottle of Cisk here and that says that it is 4.2% abv, the Cisk Export is stronger and weighs in at over 5% abv.
Tony, unfortunately the english beers that Mark & Nicky mention are the nasty smooth/keg versions of things like John Smiths & Boddies, so they are expensive, bland, gassy and complete rubbish, the general rule of thumb with beers in Malta is to stick to the bottles of Hopleaf, Blue Label, Lacto (if you can get it) Cisk, Cisk Export, 1565 Victory Lager, and Carlsberg or Lowenbrau which are both brewed under licence in Malta.