We got back 21st November
Yes there is a smoking ban but it is seldom enforced.
We smoked a fag with a policemen as we were queing up to go through passport control on the way in. This was before we knew of the ban but it certainly wasn't enforced.
we smoked quite freely on the street - if any of you know the barbers on the corner of the T junction in Candolim then you will know that the policemen get their hair cut there and yes, they smoke quite feely standing on the street.
we even had a fag in the departure lounge on our way out, for which we did get told to put them out as the departure lounge is a no smoking area despite the ashtrays liberally spread about and were told that we should have had a cigarette before we entered the airport.
Having said this we did meet people who claimed to have been fined for smoking (averaged about 100 rupees).
I wouldn't be overly concerned, make sure you have 100 rupees in a separate pocket (the fine increases proportionatley with the size of your wad) and use a bit of common sense, don't smoke somewhere that is likely to cause offence and do put your fag out if asked.
My opinion is that many of these laws are used as a device if people are acting anti-socially. It gives the police a valid reason to move you on.
One thing we did do was bought ourselves little silver (coloured - I doubt very much they were real silver) personal ashtrays from Anjuna Market but it was more because like me, my friends hate having to flick their ash and butts on the street