General Holiday Enquiries, Hints and Tips

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My husband sleeps!

Yea so does mine :roll: don't think he knows how long I am in the shower, could be hours!!!
My husband sleeps!

Yea so does mine don't think he knows how long I am in the shower, could be hours!!!

Ha, ha, ha. I get an image of Victoria Wood saying this and I'm :swear myself laughing.

Robby :wink:
I normally shower first, either hubby's still out round the pool and will come up half hour later, or he'll be napping or having a drink on the balcony. While I'm drying my hair he'll shower then we are both ready at the same time. If hubby seems me showering then it makes us late for our dinner reservation :really
- because he isnt washing his hair in the correct manor, right? :rofl
Just back from Salou and whilst my wife was in the shower I went on the balcony and managed to get some free wi-fi. God knows where it was coming from but it just goes to show some people don't secure their wi-fi. Maybe it was from an open bar but usually you have to get a code so I don't know!
Resurrect this thread - it makes me laugh. My husband rolls fags - not very romantic but handy?
Just back from Salou and whilst my wife was in the shower I went on the balcony and managed to get some free wi-fi

Handy for uploading THOSE ;) pictures :rofl
I get in the shower first, then get ready whilst my husband is showering.
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