Ideally I want to rent a place for a month whilst I am there.
I have a bit of cash behind me but not a great amount, so Whilst I won't be going for the Penthous suite, I don't want a rat pit either.
Something about £350 to £500 per month would be ideal.
Now I am young and free, 21 years old. And just going for a month to get my feet wet for travelling, And being from UK I though Malta would be a great starting place as They speak good english.
I would be greatly appreciative if anyone could offer me some advice and help on the questions I have pondering at the moment.
1.Regards Renting for a month Is there anything I need to watch out for? hidden stuff that I might get caught out on or stung by?
2. What is better? booking and renting a place from the net/telephone now so I have it all sorted before I go, or book a temp place to land at then search for somewhere to rent once I am over there?
3. Kind of connected to the above question, If I were to book now. I found this site
Anyone have any dealings with them? I am worried that If I book with them They will set me up in a crack house or next door to a building site etc..I shouldn't be so cynical I know...but the worst things seem to happen to me. Though some of the places look really quite nice for the price.
4. Whats crime rate like in malta? especially the cities?
I am from a smallish city in the uk (Exeter) and crime is relativly low. I am worried that I will be jumping in at the deep end and won't be able to handle malta,especially at night... what Kind of place is it regarding crime? I will hopefully be checking out the nightclubs bare this in mind.
5. Whats Malta like in general? I have done my research but theres no info like first hand info.

6. How much can one live off? how much would I need to sustain myself for a month? leading a normal lifestyle, going out a couple times a week etc.
Any help on the above matters and anything else you care to throw in will be great.
Many thanks for the time and I look forward to hearing your replies.