Having said that, if you are interested in volunteering in Cuba then I can suggest that you try the Cuba Solidarity campaign which organises 'work brigades' holidays at set times and uses a bonded agent for all travel arrangements. Caledonia Languages also organise volunteer opportunities in Cuba and as well as elsewhere in Latin America and will book your flights etc for you but their website doesn't quote all-in-prices either because even though they are a bonded operator and quote all in prcies for certain holidays, the volunteering side of their operation is based on putting together a bespoke 'package' based on your particular needs etc and will be based on them booking the best available scheduled ticket deal at the time you book. Neither of these options are a way of getting a cheap holiday and can be an expensive way of visiting Cuba - it will almost certainly cost you more than an AI package to a tourist hotel in one of the big resorts and you can expect quite poor accommodation in comparison. As a rough rule of thumb expect to pay twice the price of a tourist package for half as much in the way of facilities and comfort etc. Volunteers in Cuba usually stay with local families or even in shared dormitory hostel accommodation - at best expect something of 'backpackers' standard with pretty basic food and no choice re food other than 'take it or leave it'.
I have travelled a number of times with CalLang to Cuba on specialist dance holidays because their holidays are based on staying with local families and I love feeling part of the local culture etc. Also, their dance programme with the local professional dance company in Santiago is second to none but it's not cheap. I can certainly recommend them as a company which provides a good and comprehensive service but that personalised service does come at a price. Nor are Cuba Solidarity trips cheap either - both options are geared up to ensuring that visitors, even volunteers, are putting something directly back into the local economy.
I'm not wanting to seem harsh or pre-judging your own motives in wanting to some volunteer work but people and organisations in developing countries are waking up the fact that the volunteers gain far more out of this sort of experience than they do - a succession of short stay volunteers soak up an awful lot of staff time with often negligible benefit to the host organisation. They do now regard offering volunteer opportunities as part of their income generation activity rather than a source of labour and hence will charge a fee for the placement that not only covers the costs to them of having you there but also includes what amounts to a relatively sizeable donation to the work of the project.
I have a brochure come through this morning from a company called i - i There are plenty of things I would love to volunteer to do, unfortunately the prices are more then I could afford.
I would quite happily spend £500 to conserve wildlife in Africa or to help save the rainforest's. Unfortunately when you add on the cost of flights etc.. it would cost me probably double that.
It is something I have always wanted to do, as a shy and quiet sort of bloke one of the reasons I would like to do it is too get a bit of confidence and really help make a difference to somebody.
Looks like I may have to settle for a week in Spain sitting by the beach.
Don't forget you don't have to go abroad to make a difference to somebody! There are all sorts of charities and community groups here in the UK who rely on volunteers to keep going. Opportunities range from groups looking for people with particular skills to those who are just looking for someone to befriend people and be a listening ear. If you phone your local council offices or Citizens' Advice Bureau they will be able to give you the contact details for the local Volunteer Inofrmation Point or similar. They'll be able to help you find a volunteer placement that matches what you have to offer with what is needed.
I'm involved with a local charity which simply couldn't do the amount of work it does without volunteers - the accountant who set up our SAGE payroll system for free, the employment law specialist who keeps us on track with our own employees and the business woman who helped us prepare the business plan for our latest grant application have all saved us an enormous amount in professional fees. But the most impoartant ones are the regular volunteers who give up a couple of hours each week to help run the youth group, the English classes for speakers of other languages, staff the reception desk one afternoon a week so all the paid staff can attend the weekly staff meeting, and those who are simply 'there' to offer a cup of tea and sit and chat with newcomers who want to find out about the work of the project etc. Many of them were a bit like you from the sound of it when they first started getting involved and you'd be amazed at the change it makes to them - and the things which they help us achieve. So give it a go! I can promise with almost 100% certainly - you will make a difference

All this is going back some 15 years I used to do it two nights a week for three hours a night for around two years. Only reason I left is because I broke up with my girlfriend who's dad was the youth club leader

I just had a phone call from these i-i people wanting to discuss what sort of thing I would be interested in. I was driving at the time so they are going to phone me later this evening. Even if I don't end up doing anything, will be good to hear what they are about.
Obviously I know nothing about them as a company. So I would have to do my research into them if I did decide to book something.

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