I know Malta is not the correct place to post this but I am putting this here since most people in the forum know me.
Well yes I am doing something totally different. Not going to be the boring person who just answers questions or contributes the odd opinion here and there.
I thought I would let you all know about my Challenge that I have taken up. I have decided to Climb Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania....which from what I heard is quite tough one. It does not involve any technical climbing but it is quite exhilarating. Please take some time out to visit our website at http://www.kilichallenge2.com to find out about our group and why we have decided to climb this volcano. I will leave the rest up to you!!!
PS the website still needs some work but should be fully operational very shortly
It makes a refreshing change to see someone get up and do something positive.
Well done mate.

Keep us informed
As you said, the site needs a bit of working on, so hope you don't mind I have found this link giving a bit of info.
EDIT: Sorry didn't notice the SMS numbers were different

Edited by
2005-10-12 09:47:50
Thanks for this, but the SMS numbers in this article are not correct. The Correct ones are these
Well I am soon off to Climb that Mountain....very excited about the whole trip. I leave Malta to start the journey on Boxing day so I guess that is definately an alcohol free Christmas for me.....But Rest assured everyone that I will surely raise a glass of Water - yes water on the summit - alcohol is strictly forbidden on the mountain - and wish you all a happy new year as I watch the sun rise above the Serengetti Savannah below.
On a different note. I text you twice as you asked while I was in Malta over the last 3 weeks with regard to visiting the BHC to view a self catering apartment. The rest of this comment has been PM'd you....
Good luck Trevor, and don't forget to drink a toast to us at the top !
Be careful of the big cats when your over there!
Congratualations and very well done to the team, hope you have raised enough to build that convent.
Well done Trevor
On my recent visit to malta i was sitting in the avenue having a bite to eat when i saw trevor on the news being interviewed on the news. he looked much younger than i imagined. he should have had a shave before appearing on t.v.
currently taking it easy in Tanzania and off for a 4 day safari of Serengeti tomorrow
Well deserved I say

Well done Maltese Trevor,
Well done Trevor from all at HT!
http://www.timesofmalta.com/core/article.php?id=210648 and if I'm not mistaken I think Mr Z is back row immediate left, so prosit Mr Z.
Here they are in all there glory Regards

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