After a bad experience in Majorca 2 years ago i now have a phobia of ants!! Not going to go into detail as it makes me feel physically sick!
Im going to Cyprus in May and im looking for a repellent or something that will keep the ants at bay, from me, my clothes and my apartment!
I would be really greateful if anybody could suggest something that will help keep these horrible creatures away from me!!
thanks in advance!
Tatty x

Seriosly have you tried some of the gluey stuff?
You put it on a saucer on the balcony and the ants are attracted to it and they take it back to the nest and all get poisoned!
You can get it from most garden shops!
I take a can of RAID everywhere brilliant stuff.
I get them in my flat at home, I use these little green ant traps, they are fully sealed till the time you wish to use them, the ant eats the stuff, heads back to the nest feeling all pleased with it's self, then the stuff is released and kills the nest
Thank a lot guys, wil try anything as long as it kills them and keeps then away from me and my clothes!!
both NIPPON and the little green traps are a long time fix but not a lot of use for holiday as they take about 3/4 weeks to kill the nest just buy a can of insect/fly spray when your on holiday for the imidiate kill
What I find awful is when you suddenly feel something crawling on you, and you find ants in your bed!


Thanks Wizard...
Sorry about that, it has actually happened so I don't really like to re live it.
We had a ground floor apartment and used to get ants under the front door. I put washing up liquid down they would go up to it, and didn't fancy eating it, if they did they were gonners. I would swill them away with hot water.
Ahh yeah Wizard never thought of them taking ages to kill the nest
We used to use the Raid Ant and cockroach spray. Very effective.
The ants can't cross it so inside is protected and it lasts a few weeks so one can would easilydo a holiday.

thanks for all the advice, feel a bit at ease knowing i can rest a bit easer knowing that i can prevent them from coming near me!
My favourite, although highly dangerous but great fun, is to turn your can of hair spray into a flame thrower and frazzle the soddin lot of em! rofl

We had friends in Gran Canaria who done this with Lynx with the cockroaches although i dont think i would be trusted as im very accident prone!!!!!
My favourite, although highly dangerous but great fun, is to turn your can of hair spray into a flame thrower and frazzle the soddin lot of em! rofl
I appreciate your comments are made in jest, but I also think they are highly irresponsible. In as far as I am aware, HolidayTruths is a FAMILY site and is thus accessed by children. Your comments could be taken by some as serious and fire is not a funny thing at all.
Not only that, but the poster made it quite clear that he/she has a genuine phobia and it should not be laughed at.

Hope you didn't think I was making fun, when I said about ants in the bed. This really happened and I am not keen on them either. I hate Daddylong Legs and wasps.
Hi Dawn i understand that you weren't making fun its just that the phobia i have is not lke you 'average' hate for them, its a real panic attack one!.
I appreciate your comments are made in jest, but I also think they are highly irresponsible. In as far as I am aware, HolidayTruths is a FAMILY site and is thus accessed by children. Your comments could be taken by some as serious and fire is not a funny thing at all.
Not only that, but the poster made it quite clear that he/she has a genuine phobia and it should not be laughed at. Certain people suffer from all sorts of phobias and it can have a very bad effect on them, and I think only genuine offers of help should be put forward. This board is not the place to be making jokes about fire.
Get a grip!

1. I wasn't making it a laughing matter, I was quite serious. I can't bloody stand the things either, although not quite phobic, did take great sick pleasure from frying a whole lot of them in Empuriabrava last year. Given Tatty's upbeat response I think if she thought I was taking the mickey she would have responded differently? Yes?
2. I wasn't condoning that children do this, nor was I giving instructions on how to create a flame thrower and tatty is perfectly capable of making her own decisions on whether or not to do this, hence her comment about probably not because she is accident prone.
3. Stop trying to make a drama out of this and cause trouble because that's exactly what you've just done!

Tatty, good luck, hope you find a suitable answer to your problem. I sympathise and I'm pretty sure you realise that my post was as it was intended above. Sorry someone has brought disrepute to it and it will probably be locked now!
Catherine x
Edited by
2006-04-04 20:30:36
Can we please get back on topic and less of the personal attacks and backseat moderating.

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