On the 19th November 2007 whilst we were staying in Playa Paraiso my dad went up to the hotel balcony on his own.
The time was 9:23 pm, he saw a big round flying object flying fairly low over the hotel fiesta oasis paraiso. He hadn't been drinking, and he said it certainly didn't look like a aeroplane, helicopter, flying balloon or anything else explainable.
He saw alot more detail about it but he's still trying to get his head around it. We are all normally very skeptical about things like this, we view most ufo sightings as hoaxes, but he said he knows this one wasn't.
As you can imagine we are all very perplexed
I am going to Tenerife on 11th December so will pack my binoculars!
Here's something that might back up the story, different date but maybe Tenerife has had several "visits" from the UFOs, apparently it has seen a lot of activity over the years. This is a very long (about 5 pages) but very descriptive report of what was seen by someone who has had other UFO sightings in the past. Here's the link:- I am going to Tenerife on 11th December so will pack my binoculars!
We googled that item and a few others when we got back home, it seems Tenerife is a bit of a hot spot for strange sightings.
I definately recommend you take your binoculars with you when you go next time!

I've lived in Tenerife for over 10 years, and have never seen anything. True it is reported as a hotspot for sightings, but I've never seen anything!
I'm not depbunking the article, as I beleive that this planet is being visited, but I find this article hard to believe. The author states that this activity went on for a number of hours. The area surrounding Los Rodeos is heavily populated, so I find it hard to believe no one else saw it. If it had truly happened, I would have heard and it would have been reported on the news.

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