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You can change the theme via the User Control Panel. Choose subsilver2 in your board preferences :wink:
now I have found a snowman!

I'm going to logg off and come back in January :wink:
That's much better! Thank you Pippy I have changed it back to my old setting (although did find a green tree decoration on the way!)
I didnt like it either and I changed it last week back to the normal. Couldnt get on with the snowmen or christmas trees!!
I think if it had not of been for all of the animations, then the Christmas Theme Skin might of been more popular with the members who have eyesight problems and have found all the animated gifs very distracting. I had to revert back to the normal skin because (1) like the poster above, I found all the moving objects off-putting, and (2) it was causing my screen to freeze.

Perhaps for Christmas 2008, a *static* Christmas themed skin could be considered?
BenidormHereICome wrote:
I ... have found all the animated gifs very distracting.

Perhaps for Christmas 2008, a *static* Christmas themed skin could be considered?

Says Gary with an animated avatar! :lol: :wink:

luci :wave
Says Gary with an animated avatar!
Yes, but with respect Luci, my avatar is only one small picture in the left hand corner of the screen. The Christmas Skin has animations all over it. And my avatar, or anyone else's animated avatar for that matter, has never caused my screen to freeze up. 8)
The creation of these different themes takes a lot of time. On each and every update of the software each of the themes also needs to be updated.

For that reason we limit the choice of available themes to our members. We could easily provide a set of 30 or so themes for members to choose, but I would not envy the person responsible having to update every single one of them as soon as the software is updated :yikes
The current XMas theme has not caused me any problems. The computer hasn't frozen and from the coding I can't see no reason for it to freeze for anybody else either. No java or flash is used to render the pages. Only images are used which any browser and computer should be able to handle without problems.

Any theme that is going to be introduced is going to be highly subjective. What is one person's taste is another person's dislike. For that reason we give our members the option to revert to the standard Holidaytruths theme :wink:

MarkJ HT Mod
Mark, I was not saying that the Christmas skin was the culprit that caused my PC screen to freeze up, I was saying that after about six minutes of browsing the forums with the Christmas skin, the screen froze.

Whether or not it had anything to do with the Christmas skin, I have no idea or no way of finding out. But upon reverting back to the usual skin, I encountered no further problems.

Therefore I *assumed* the Christmas skin may have been at fault, but I cannot prove that.
I like xmas themes, i always have .. but i do have to agree that finding the new posts has been a tad trickier since the update

However, i'll stick with the theme cos i lurve Xmas! :lol:
I've not liked this theme since it began!
I liked the snow etc but couldn't seem to get my head around the icons no matter how many times I looked at the key!
Also I wasn't even aware I could have a different theme until this thread!
If it was our choice how come mine just got changed to the christmas one? Anyway it doesn't matter now!
If it was our choice how come mine just got changed to the christmas one? Anyway it doesn't matter now!

The theme changes for everyone, you have the choice to change it back. Its not done to p you off!

Merry Christmas
I love the Christmas theme as all the other Themes throughout the year :D but having visual balance problems I can't use them, so it's great to have the choice of both, thanks HT :kiss
The theme changes for everyone, you have the choice to change it back. Its not done to p you off!
I think what the member is trying to say is that the Christmas Theme was made active on every single members' profile, whereas it might of been a better option if it was left as the normal theme with the option to change it to the Christmas theme should that member so desire.

Just a thought :roll:
I think what the member is trying to say is that the Christmas Theme was made active on every single members' profile, whereas it might of been a better option if it was left as the normal theme with the option to change it to the Christmas theme should that member so desire.

Thanks Gary but I wasn't confused as to what Chivas was saying. What I am saying is, its not a huge deal that it changes for everyone, its a simple matter of click maybe 4 times to change back to the subsilver theme. It only happens a few times a year.

Sarah :)
but what I was saying is I didn't even know I could change it back until this thread appeared!

But thats probably my fault for not reading all the 'read me' threads! :)
Holiday Truths Forum

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