I don't think this is anything to worry about, it is just one of the unions who are not getting all of their demands, they probably want china tea cups instead of paper cups

It is now up to the actual workers to decide tomorrow, to me it is not a difficult choice either accept the agreement and keep your job and wages or strike then be fired when the whole of AENA is privatised because the new owners want a reliable workforce who want to work instead of striking, difficult choice

I doubt the Spanish government would allow another strike to take place as their economy is based mainly on tourism and the economy of Spain is strained to breaking point already. I would think that there will be a back up solution should the workers vote against the proposals anyway.
On a personal level we are not in as bad a position as some as we depart the day after one strike and come home the day before another, but it is still worrying as we know how much the Spaniards love to strike and love to change things.
Lets all keep our fingers crossed that the workers see sense and vote yes tomorrow, I will certainly be keeping my eye on this one.
Absolutely Al, I am keeping my eye on this too! I fly from here to Madrid on 1st May, to pick up a flight to Cozumel on 2nd May for a cruise. Flights and hotels already paid for and in place for 1st May which are non-refundable
hope all sorted by september when we come back - if not will have to stay as little longer !
I'm also really hoping everything gets sorted tomorrow, for everyone's sake

Let's hope the news is good today, then we can all relax and look forward to our holidays.
Anyone heard anything yet? I read somewhere they were having the vote at 9pm tonight?! (seems a strange time to do it, and rather late, but there we go).
As soon as I know more I will post here, that is if my internet does not go down like it has all day.
edit: you are correct Benjamin, the vote was taking place between 9pm and 10pm Spanish time at all airports. I believe Majorca airport voted this afternoon though, not sure about the other Balearic or Canaries airports .
Official now, the strike have now been called off, over 80 % of workers voted yes to the agreement which comes into force tomorrow and lasts until 31 December 2018.
http://noticias.terra.es/2011/espana/0324/actualidad/la-huelga-en-aena-se-desconvocara-manana-tras-el-respaldo-de-trabajadores-00.aspx&ei=Gr-LTZCeBIS7hAetvb22Cw&sa=X&oi=translate&ct=result&resnum=2&ved=0CC8Q7gEwAQ&prev=/search%3Fq%3DLa%2Bhuelga%2Ben%2BAENA%2Bse%2Bdesconvocar%25C3%25A1%2Bma%25C3%25B1ana%2Btras%2Bel%2Brespaldo%2Bde%2Btrabajadores%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26hs%3DImY%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-GB:official%26prmd%3Divns" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" class="break-word">click here for one of them.
A number of Spanish media sites are reporting within the last half hour that the strikes have been called off .... David

Wow, great news... cheers all!
Yey!! Great news!! Not only for us individuals, but also for tourism as a whole through spain and its islands
Thank goodness for that-
It has now been picked up by the UK media:

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