With the exchange rate so good you will really get value for money.
A pint (500ml) of local beer for around 2 lev (maybe less) is just over 70p.
A 300ml is around 1.50 lev.
Night Clubs will vary...be careful. Ask price first. If you just say 'large' you could be given a two litre glass of branded beer and get stung.
Choose branded beers stella becks john smiths etc etc and you will be charged a lot more.
A cocktail is around 4-5 lev depending on the bar/club you are in. Many will have 'offers' 2 for 1 or bogof style.
A main meal for around 10-15 lev is around £5'ish...all depends on where and how hungry you are for starters or desserts.
If you go on the public beach and want use of the parasols/loungers they could cost 8 lev each per day...watch it. Stick to hotel freebies if possible.
Every bar and restaurant will 'beckon you in' on passing so look for the ones that seem busy. Also ask your fellows guests who will always be glad to suggest a diner. Reps may help but they might be biased.
Recommend a night out to Khans Tent...A bottle of wine or two pints EACH is included in the price. Great Floor Show and the meal is good too with full waiter service.
Enjoy your stay and have a good time...take care.
We have been going for 14 years and love the place despite us being in our 60's. Agree with Monaco about Khans Tent ( price between 65-69 Lev if booked with local companies like Condor trave or TS Travel ) For this price it includes travel to/from venue + meal + wine or beer,

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