I excitedly opened the packages and went to place them on the work surfaces in the same spot as my old ones occupied,... and I noticed that the flex was stretching to reach the plugs.....ok, not a problem losing a bit of length off the flex with the position of the toaster, but definitely the kettle and microwave.......I've got plenty of plugs in my kitchen, 8 to be precise (4 double ones).
So, I measured the new flex along side the old ones and it seems the manufacturers are reducing the length to save a few bob.
My microwave is now positioned in the middle of the work top, instead of at the end,( I'm not happy

I bought a steam mop a couple of weeks ago, mainly for the kitchen floor to save getting on my hands and knees, I just wanted something to whip around daily, (I have a Karcher if I want to freshen up the carpets and need more than a few minutes).......and there's that much flex attached to this mop, that it's annoying getting wrapped around my feet and it's a pain winding all this around the handle when I've finished....there's enough flex to hang mesen.

Granted, you only need one plug and lots of flex to whip around several rooms with the steam mop if you've got the type of flooring for this gadget, so, whilst it annoys the hell out if me, I can see the logic in that......but you need lots of plugs at various positions in the kitchen to place these small appliances where you'd like them, because of the reduced length in flex.
Has anybody else noticed this?
Sanji x