More or less have decided where I am going in 2012, the resort was dicided ages ago, just left me to pick the hotel, and with the rave reviews have decided on 2 weeks at the D.annunzio Hotel, lido di Jeselo
Prices varied from place to place, mostly online
2 weeks full board, 20kg allowance, in flight meals
Thomas Cook travel club:
£835, extras include +5kg allowanace, inflight meals
Thomas Cook online :
£879, extras include +5kg allownace, inflight meals
Direct Holidays :
£728, 20kg allowanace, free inflight meals, full board supplement £15 cheaper
Thomas Cook instore price match, plus 10% work discount
£655, 20kg allowanace, free inflight meals, full board supplement £15 cheaper
£554 Half board