I thought the posting about vampires , from Spike was particulary amusing, because one of the most popular and loved vampire characters on Buffy the Vampire slayer and Angel is called Spike.
Going off topic here, but every time I see a posting from Spike of Holiday truths, I imagine what Spike the vampire is getting upto in Goa. Perhaps he is sitting all day in the shade in one of the beach shacks, sipping his kingfishers and looking for his next prey. He longs for the Sunset happy hour, where he can get cocktails half price. Then he enjoys the sights and smells of the beach barbcue and the firework display.
Back on topic and Moral of the story.
If you plan to go out before sunrise or sunset , make sure you have some insect repellant handy. Otherwise you make wake up later wondering where them bites around your neck have come from. I made that mistake by staying on the beach all day and then come sunset, enjoyed my cocktails, but got bit. From past experience Fair skins, Blondes and red heads seem to be more suspectible to the odd bite. Whilst on the beach, enjoy the Meat and fish cooked in Garlic. Not only does this keep the vampires away, but Garlic, particulary Garlic Capsules are supposed to help as an insect repellants. Plus it the food takes rather good! Please do not take Garlic tablets and think you can get away without spraying. For all round protection, Spray, take Garlic Tablets and Anti-Malarial tablets. Those people who never get bit have probably got some sort of Genetic immunity, but we cant all be that lucky. For First timers, dont worry , the place isnt swarming with mosquitos (or vampires), but the odd one can come from nowhere.