I was very fortunate that on my last diving holiday to the Red Sea in December, we were lucky enough to dive with dolphins in thier own environment. There was a major storm and out boat took shelter at Bluff Point...apparantly this is on a dolphin feeding route....they swim past twice a day. On the first day, we had all just finished diving when a pod of about a dozen came past..so we all jumped back in and had a swim with them.
We saw them again the next day..and on a dive, just as we rolled off the rib, we were met by a mum and baby who decided to have a little bit of an interaction with us. On the final dive of the holiday, we were again met by some younger dolphins who decided to swim with us for a while, swim away and then keep coming back for repeat performances. We were so close we could touch them. They were even mimicking peoples movements underwater.
I have quite a few photo's..and the best thing is we were there on thier terms....it was all natural. They allowed us into thier world. When they were bored with us...they swam off.
I think I posted some photo;s on my media here on HT...it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life..and one of the reasons why i go diving...to experience such wonderous things as that.