the above web site will give you details and the form to print out
the screening is a temperature scanner done when going through immigration and if you are above the certain temperature then a light shows and
hope this helps
the above web site will give you details and the form to print out
the screening is a temperature scanner done when going through immigration and if you are above the certain temperature then a light shows and

hope this helps
p.s if youd like to know anything else then please ask j5 who knows everything you need to know about goa
Oh dear,as someone who is diabetic my temp often goes up when my blood glucose levels alter. Im often a bit too hot and sweaty
As Swine Flu has aleady reached India there seems little point in carrying out this operation.3 days ago there were 1193 cases reported (and 29 deaths) but in another month or so it could be tens of thousands of cases.
i have the same problem and i just know after not eating properly for 11 hrs i will have a hi temp
ever year around this time there always seems to be something and i start to think why am i doing this again
but we will do what we always do just keep smiling
I'm not diabetic but am at that funny age when temperature rises and body flushes all over. Being anxious is a sure guarantee to bring a moment on.
I always stress when we get into immigration..... Will our bags have made it.... Will our taxi be waiting? (although I know he will be) etc... etc...
I know I'm not the only one on here with the same problem so I think the isolation hospital will be full of menopausal women

so I think the isolation hospital will be full of menopausal womenand the beach full of happy men

Ha ha will probably see you there.we can compare the flushes!!

Seriously though I really hope this scanner can tell the difference between our tropical moments (hot flushes) and a temperature which is being caused by swine flu.

I haven't had it (swine flu) but what if you fill the form in saying you have - can any one guess at the effect of that? (january is a long way off so anything could happen)
Went to Karnataka over the weekend and we weren't checked at the border (either way), although this was supposedly being done, went to Gokarna where they looked in our mouths for 2 seconds with a torch, not quite sure what they were looking for, maybe a little sign saying "Swine Flu this way" or something...

Saw an interesting write up about CWT in Exeter Express and Echo recently - well done, another bit of publicity,

I too am prone to hot flushes

Me too Roxey - it doesn't bear thinking about
The hosptials won't have enough beds available to host all us woman of a tender age and our tropical moments,don't pack to many clothes ladies we won't be needing them..
I think I'll be in the hospital with the rest of you. Anyone know if they allow you Gin and Tonics in there? Or perhaps some kind soul could visit and smuggle some in.
I prefer to go native and drink the Honeybee

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