For anyone on holiday in Gozo who was going on the archaeological walk at Ta Cenc on Nov 2nd, it has been cancelled - the owners have withdrawn permission for it to happen - not that their permission is required, but....
Din l-Art Helwa (equiv of National Trust in the UK) wants more protection at Ta' Cenc
Over 10,000 signatures collected to save Ta' Cenc from development
a good article on the archaeological walk being banned
now he's claiming there is no public right of way, when there is
he's also suing Din L'art Helwa (Malta's National Trust) over the petition to save Ta Cenc, that some of you signed
now he's claiming there is no public right of way, when there is
he's also suing Din L'art Helwa (Malta's National Trust) over the petition to save Ta Cenc, that some of you signed
The bully of Ta Cenc
So Victor Borg shows his true colours again. He is trying to bully Din L'art Helwa, and its President over its brave petition to try to save Ta Cenc from his development plans. He then tries to bully everyone else by stating there is no public right of way at Ta Cenc, with his statement "There is no legal right to any kind of public access to the Ta' Cenc area and any entry is solely at the discretion, and with the permission of the owners". So what about the road running through Ta Cenc, with the villas at Kantra at the end - is he denying the public access to visit friends living there ? What about the right to access the shoreline, enshrined in law ? What about the rights of all to visit Ta Cenc, which have been in existence for generations ?
As for his statement "The privately owned property of Ta' Cenc would remain a "no-go- area" and access at the discretion of the owners, only if the proposed project does not go through" - thats blackmail, pure and simple - give me what I want, or else. Its time for the Government to take Ta Cenc into public hands and have a proper National Park, as laid out by law, in The Structural Plan. Otherwise, what is to stop the owner blackmailing us all, time and time again ?
in this opinion letter, in the second to last para, he has lifted quotes posted on the previous Ta Cenc and the Development thread, quoting both myself and Fallan.
The article also continues the lie and threat all rolled into one that the owners can block access any time they want, but that if the project is approved, access to the general public will be guaranteed. Give me what I want or else
keep up the good work,this guy is not happy because he is not getting is own way.
many regards.......john-doe........
I look at it like this does Gozo need a golf course how many people on Gozo play the game, would you if you played the game carry a bag of clubs along with your suit case to Gozo on the bus/on the ferry and then on to Mr Borg's hotel. What about all the water to keep the greens in good playing order, were would that come from perhaps the locals would be happy to go with out water three days a week so the grass could get a few drops on it.
Then you have the hotel itself does Gozo need another hotel in the middle of no were, if he wanted to build a new hotel why not at least put it near a beach or resort to give the tourist some were to go other than his own bar.
Best of luck Mark,
Dave, if you can understand it........

excellent articles by the head of AD, the green party
article in the environmental section
my letter
finally an extraordinary letter from their lawyer
which talks and talks and talks about private property, but missing the whole point - no-one is denying its private property, but public access and private property can exist together.
EU seeks further limits on development at Ta' Cenc
EU Commissioner makes a point about Ta' Cenc
says no development can be allowed that would significantly damage the site or the area's ecology.
"Ta Cenc development set for rejection" - headline in todays Sunday Times......................
Good news Mark - I'm sure all your hard work has helped!
the whole area of Ta' Ċenċ, including both the cliffs and the plateau, has been declared as a Special Area of Conservation

some good news for a change !!
Hi Mark
planning applications will still be allowed for the area outside the protected zone.
The following link shows 2 maps - one the definition of Ta Cenc, the other the protected area.

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