Egypt Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in Egypt.
8 Posts
Sorry no.... most stuff is made in cairo and sold in resort. You might find a man with a sewing machine in old Sharm..... but western imports are the norm... like Quiksilver, Nike etc.
ok thx for that. What are the prices for the imports like, more than the uk ??
About the same..... which makes it cheap for the russians, expensive for egyptians, and no change for us!

There are replicas as well, but not on the same scale as Turkey!
ok thx for that, suppose will have to wait till goa 07 till get some more nice cheap suits then :D
I would wait..... if you could see some of the stuff available in cairo...

It's like being back in the 70's...... think Morecambe and Wise! :shock:
When in Luxor, I take a stroll up the back streets, go into a cloth shop, point at my ample frame and buy some cloth (usually several metres) it is top class material and sets me back around £6.00 sterling. I then stroll to my favourite tailor a few streets away. We chat in the happy embarassed way that two human beings do when they cannot really understand each other but are doing their best. With the help of a few locals and my pantomimes we usually get there. I finish up with the most wonderful Galabaya's you could imagine in Egyptian & Saudi styles for another £6.00. This man is Luxor's equivalent of the most highest Saville Row Tailor in London. Yet we are friends, he knows me, I know him & his sons. On a Summers evening in the UK when Mrs Tez dons her nighty, I occasionally slip on the old Galabaya. It is freedom itself, and puts the fear of God up the neighbours. :lol:
Good on you TEZ! And please don't leave the forum!

I've got a lovely galabayah which was a pressie from my OH! Black and burgundy and green with silver through it, and black swirly frogging down the front. The neck is a bit high, but its great for curling up in!

We actually have matching ones as well......... (and no I haven't converted!, they are just comfortable!)
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