We have been living in Turkey (marmaris) for just ovr a year, and have in that time aquired a dog.
We now want to move back to the UK. We have enquired about getting the dog into the UK and have been told that she will have to spend 6 months in quarantine once she arrives. We don't really want her to be in quarantine for that amount of time as it is not nice for her and it is very expensive!!!!!!
We have been told that if you have the dog microchipped in Greece (or any EU country) the quarantine period will not be so long and the procedure will be a lot simpler.
What we need to know is....How do you get a dog from Turkey to Greece if you don't own a boat!!??!! Someone HELP!!!!
i think you will find it take about 4 months from first anti rabies jab to get your animal home
Taking it (probably illegally) into Greece will not help and remember the rules are in place for a reason.
It might be not be nice for her and it may be expensive but would you want to be responsible if there was something wrong, such as rabies, with the dog.
They will advise you of what you need to do, ie rabies vaccinations and blood tests. You then have to return to that vet before you travel (about 1 day before) and have another blood test done to confirm the dog is still rabies free, then you can book your dog to travel in the cargo hold of a plane.
This is totally illegal and wrong information.
For a pet passport.From EU Countries.
The six month rule for entry or re-entry to the UK
Your dog or cat may not enter the UK under pets until six calendar months have passed from the date that your vet took the blood sample which led to a satisfactory test result .Once the vet has issued the pets documentation and that six month period has passed, the pets documentation is valid for your pet to enter the UK.
Edited by
2005-05-03 09:58:22
Would that be kinder than putting the dog into Quarantine???
I still want the dog to have all her injections and tests as she would have done over here, it's just that if I get her sorted out in Greece it will mean less time in quarantine back in the UK.
The only way you could take the dog into Greece would be illegally.
Even if you take the dog to Greece you still have to wait for six months after the date of the blood test before it can be issued with a "passport".
'So how are you going to feel if this dog ends up in the Uk and then three months down the line bites someones kid and then the kid has to have the very painful injections in the stomach for rabies or worse??? '
Well if thats the case, do things properly which means if you want the dog in the UK it will have to go into quarantine.
You are definately missing the point. The law as it stands is in place to protect people, not for you to find ways that circumnavigate it, if this dog does carry rabies and you get it to the UK and it does show up somewhere down the line the effects could be horrendous including the extermination of all animals in the area. The last rabies case in the UK was someone being bitten by a bat in a controlled environment and he died so if you think the law is not relevant justify yourself to his family. I also find it disturbing that someone would post advice that they know to be illegal on this forum and for that advice to be allowed to remain on the forum.
we were simply asking for advice and did not realise it was illegal to take the dog from turkey to greece. we are not tryin to find ways to crcumnavigate it at all were simply enquiring if there were other options available to us
Nutmeg in fairness to you my comment is more aimed at the advice you were given by someone knowing it to be illegal and not at you- I dont mean to offend or upset you and I know its traumatic to have to quarantine a pet. But if this forum will do one thing it will raise awareness of this problem and hopefully get people thinking especially if they intend to bring a dog from UK and then expect to be able to return with it easily. I hope you are able to resolve your own problem here but I fear your dog is going to have to be Quarauntined.
Yeah, unfortuanatly it seems 6 months quarantine is the only way.
How old is the dog and would you be able to find someone in Marmaris that could take it on??
she is just over a year old. i haven't thought about leaving her, it would break my heart.
if ,in the eu countries you can transport your pets with a chip inserted, then what happens on the eve of a non eu country becoming and eu one. The rabies issue goes away overnight! it seems to me a political decision especially as france had one of the worst rabies problems. For example the Dutch have a 1 month quarantine rule if certain criteria are met. and a dog with a chip on its shoulder can come from holland to the Uk no problem. Surely a vets certificate should be the same no matter what country. I sympathise with you Nutmeg, if only more people in this country looked after their dogs there wouldn'y be a perceived issue.
Please read the rules regarding importation of pets into the UK.
It is not just a matter of a microchip.
You also need a pet passport and vaccination and a blood test at an EU approved laboratory.
A dog or cat may not enter or re-enter the UK until 6 calendar months have passed from the date that the blood sample which gave a satisfactory test result was taken.
Mibut, I agree and understand. My point being why an eu approved lab? Does it mean that there could be labs outside the eu that would meet the criteria? me thinks not , in which case is a bit hypocritical, is it not. I am fully in agreement that pets must not be transported without the correct papers, done in the correct way. If Nutmeg could get his/her dog approved in Turkey, they could spent 6 months here and take it back to the UK with a clean bill of health, and the dog would not have to be in quarantine. Would that not be better for the dog and Nutmeg?
The points I made regarding EU labs etc were made because of what you said regarding bringing animals into the UK from EU countries.
and a dog with a chip on its shoulder can come from holland to the Uk no problem.
For non EU countries, you can get an official vets certificate but this only applies for certain countries.
Turkey is not one of them.

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