Teleferico has been open since 2003, but I've never had the nerve to go on it until a few weeks ago. It was a perfect day ( weather wise) although a tad hot at times, but I'm not complaining.!
I was amazing and probably the best 10 euros (with discount tickets) that I've ever spent on the Costa del Sol.
We got to the top around 12-30 and after taking in the views and pin-pointing certain places, we waited for the ‘birds of prey' show due to start at 1pm.
A very knowledgeable man gives a running commentary in both Spanish & English, who loves and knows his birds (the feathered variety.)
I'm not really a ‘bird person' and until you get close-up, you don't realise just how big these birds of prey really are, they brought out a mother owl and her new baby, absolutely stunning face and feathers, and the baby so cute.
The Teleférico operates at different times during the year and the price is normally €13 Adult return "¦.. or if you fancy walking back down the 800 metre high mountain, €7 single.
I bet it would be good to come down at night and see all the coast lit up.
Hours of opening can be found HERE
I hope you like my video, I'm sorry there's a dirty great big finger mark on most of the scenes, but that was the glass inside the cabin/car, and coming back down I got into a car with a great big scratch across most of the window, which looked like it had been deliberately etched into the glass, and therefore it restricted me being able to swing the camcorder wider.
There is a letter box sized window for some 'fresh air', so occasionally I held the camcorder out of the window, but again having no scope to pan wider.
Coming down I twisted my body around in the seat to face where I was heading and I just left the camcorder running, and believe me when you come over the ‘top' and peer down into that valley, it made my stomach hit my throat, and whilst I've had to cut down 30 minutes of video footage into less than 7 minutes, I've left that valley in the video because you can see how deep it is by judging the next ‘anchor/pylon' point being a dot in size at the bottom.
I liked it so much, I may take another trip up there in September.

Sanji x