It happened on the Golf Del Sur if I remember right. Really nasty.
Dont know how much I can say though.
I'm struggling to see how I'm violating any libel laws by mentioning this.
It might be of interest to people travelling there. I also noticed recently that a whole family were viciously attacked when leaving a restaurant at Xmas.
Wouldn't this be of interest to people travelling to Tenerife ?
I'm by no means suggesting that it is an unsafe place to go. I love the island and intend to go back but people should know what's happening around them so that they can take the correct precautions to protect themselves.
Apollo...terribly sad.
On another subject...what a fantastic job you have ... living in tenerife and looking after jealous am I.
I can understand the admins concerns.
Ali, You basically can't say I think it happened because of such and such, or that such and such did it! Anything that would get holiday truths into trouble.
Yes, previously,another HT member mentioned a name that they may have been associated with and I made a blunder (in anger) by making a derogatory comment about time share....." artists"
Unfortunatly acts like these happen everywhere now a days and as sadly become part of every day life in many parts of the world.
So please dont let this mis-judge your views on Tenerife & PDLA

Lee & karen

I returned from Tenerife at the beginning of this month and I didn't feel at all threatened, but then, this murder is believed to be to do with timeshare "turf wars" so it's not like a mugging or anything. Tenerife is a great place and I shall certainly be returning for my ninth visit sometime this year.
Won't be stopping me either,my favourite Island! :)...... In fact,looking forward to my next holiday on 3rd March.
I'd be more worried if it was more 'random'. Not that I'm saying anyone deserves that....but just that it doesn't appear to be a threat to the tourists. Of course somone being in tenerife that did such an awful thing to anyone, is a worrying thought....but it's not like tourists have been attacked.
Everyone is innocent until proven guilty. No one deserves to die like that.
Unfortunately,my anger came from my elderly aunt and uncle losing an enormous amount of money from a time share "deal".

P.S.had to explain that, in case people thought I was a nutter, that thought ALL those selling time shares were the same............'cos I know that's not the case. Some people may???just move in the wrong circles?
We all know that there are nasty goings on everywhere nowadays...certainly NOT just on tenerife!! I get told of it, every day,at HOME,from my husband...his line of work.
Edited by
2006-01-17 22:17:51
Honestly; PDLA is just like any other place. If your not involved in it then you wont even know it exists!
Come, enjoy the warmth, feel safe. After all, gangsters are no match for A Th0msons rep with a hangover and a clipboard

PS Mods.. Why does the word "Th0msons" (when spelt correctly) automatically become a web link to their site? Surely not to gain income????
Makum I can assure you that nobody gains income from Holiday Truths, any income that is made is used to run this site and to keep it free for members to benefit from.
Good Good
The main story doing the rounds is their killings were ordered/carried out by european mafia... no one really knows the exact reason but has been said its down to their conection with a certain timeshare mr big and the island village.
If i hear anymore i will stick up info on here unless i am told not to.

I would wipe all time-shares, scratch cards, the Mafia and cockroaches off the face of not only Tenerife, but the planet.!!!!
Tenerife would then be a far better place than it is today.
I can remember Tenerife before these pests invaded the beautiful Island.

Besos xxx
What a blackened image of Tenerife that paints! If this sole recent event had not happened, no one who comes here as a tourist would have known gangster stuff was present here in Tenerife and no one would be on here posting comments of a negative and over exaggerated nature.Tenerife would then be a far better place than it is today.
I can remember Tenerife before these pests invaded the beautiful Island. ..OK. maybe not the roaches
Besos xxx
Like I said in a post above. London, New york... anywhere that has commerce has a gangster element. Tourists are not touched with this sword, and never will be.
What we don't have in Tenerife is perfectly unsuspecting innocent people getting stabbed to death in public for a mobile phone and £15 or 10 year old girls getting beaten to death for no reason at all other then sick fantasy, such as what is reported by the news, happening every day across the UK!!!!
Then Tenerife would have a problem.

Take the blinkers off Its one event that affects no tourists whatsoever!

I would wipe all time-shares, scratch cards, the Mafia and cockroaches off the face of not only Tenerife, but the planet.!!!
It was a tongue in cheek comment.


And Yes, I can remember Tenerife before the invasion of the time-shares, and Yes, it was a better place before you had to run the gaunlet of the scratch card touts....fact !!!!
I did`nt say it wasn`t a nice have to learn to accept that some people do not like these pests on the Island.
It is not paradise, and neither is it a gangers den, but underworld activities happen everywhere.....including Tenerife.
No it won`t affect the average tourist....unless they get caught in the wrong time and place between the two fractions.....and that can happen anywhere in the world.
If I took notice of the new reports on the Spanish Costa`s...then I`d never set foot in Spain again.!!!!
Go outside and have a fag.

besos xxx