We just endured the 'holiday from hell'!
We arrived in Club Ako aparments Marmaris, which we booked through 'Easyjet Holidays', on 6th August, to be told by the manager, Mehmet, that although we had booked two seperate apartments, one for myself and my husband, and one for our 3 grown-up daughters, in late April '09, we would have to all share one room until the next day, and the reason he gave for this was because it was peak season.
We, however, insisted that seeing as we had booked long before peak season this should not affect our having two rooms.
Eventually the manager gave us two rooms, our daughters room on the second floor was ok, but ours was right next door to a very busy and noisy bar, with loud music and general rowdiness carrying on until 3/4 in the morning and resuming the next day for guests using the pool/bar area.
We complained to the manager but he was totally uncooperative citing the fact that we didn't 'help him' when he suggested we all should take 'one' room when we arrived as a reason for not cooperating.
We had also emailed the hotel at the end of April asking for our rooms to be situated together so that we could eat together etc., but it turned out that we were at opposite ends of the building and when we asked if we could have rooms together we were given the same stock answer 'peak season', though we saw plenty of other guests being given rooms together even though they had not requested this months before.
Finally the noise became so bad that we had to catch up on sleep on sunloungers on the beach, and during the last few days of our stay my husband became ill with a chronic condition brought on by stress to the extent that he had to sleep in my daughter's room and one of our daughters slept with me in the room next to the bar.
We took photos of our close proximity to the bar, the fact that our bedroom window was completely blocked by the bar roof and people sitting on bar stools, and the balcony looked out on the back of the bar - a load of beer crates and garbage as well as staff taking a cigarette break - and sent these together with our complaint to easyjet holidays upon our return, for there was no rep whilst we were away.
Up till now we have only been able to complain and keep track of our complaint via emails, which is not entirely satisfactory, am wondering if anyone else has complained to easyjet holidays and what the outcome was for them or whether anyone has any advice on what else I can do to support my complaint.
The surrounding noise level are another grey area because actually on the Easyjet site description of the accomodation it does not state that the location and apartments are quiet, noisy or anything else for that matter. The apartments own website does indeed claim that the location is quiet though but as Easyjet have not claimed this I can't say how their description can be disputed.
It sounds awful and I am so sorry that you had a terrible time, I personally can't see a good case for complaints where you will get a beneficial solution but hope that someone else on here will be able to help.
But am trying to get a refund due to sub-standard accommodation compared to other rooms for the same price in the hotel, and compensation for distress and even illness caused
The thing is that the room we had was the very worst in the establishment, even the assistant manager Hassan agreed with this, and from what other members of staff have said the room is used for short time stays or relatives of the staff.
However we were there for 2 whole weeks.
It was within the manager's gift to change our room for we saw other standard twin rooms standing empty but whenever we enquired he was either unavailable or uncooperative and never once did the word 'sorry' pass his lips.
Of course we are not holding our breath with regard to any success with easyjet but am prepared to publicise this wherever and whenever possible.
The fact is that nobody could have coped with the noise levels inflicted upon us for 2 weeks, it was like putting our beds in the middle of a nightclub.

Also please remember that Easyjet have 28 days to respond to your complaint as laid down in the code of practice we have in the UK, please give them time to respond else you are continually resetting the clock each time you email them.
But to put people of our age group, my husband is almost sixty and suffers from a chronic medical condition, in a room right next to the bar and then proceed to turn a deaf ear to our pleas with regard to changing rooms takes a certain kind of sadism.
Even when he knew that my husband was ill and unable to leave his bed he proceeded to charge us £20.00 to keep our daughter's room for just 4 hours, when it doesn't even cost that much per room per night.
He has a clique of favourite guests who return year on year or are friends/relatives of an English woman called ******who lives in Marmaris but spends most of her time at Club Ako with her Turkish boyfriend, and for them he is a different person, friendly, charming, and prepared to play the perfect host.
**Edit to remove personal names and potentially libellous comments - Admin**
I understand your positon on this and I do feel for you but in Turkey it is very much the way of life where you scratch my back and I will scratch yours. Your only complaint is the standard of the room you and your husband got. I wouldn't complain about how the manager didn't like you as that is just tit for tat. Let us know what easyjet say.
However, it has left us feeling drained and depressed, my husband under the doctor for a re-occurence of a chronic condition brought on by stress, so ill in fact that he will be unable to return to his job as a teacher next week.
We are not just whingeing about this, it has in fact been a very upsetting experience which some others reading this complaint might well under-estimate, but if they had been in our position, regardless of age, I believe they would have felt exactly the same.
The telephone number is 01922 705134.This will get you through to Pam her PA,who will advise you accordingly.
very interesting please let us know what the result is.
I would have complained also about the room. It is quite common in hotels for there to be rooms that they dont use for guests, just for staff etc as they are either smaller, are basement or next to the kitchen or something. I do find it shocking that the manager would make you stay in that room for 2 weeks. Do you have photos of the room your daughters had and the room you had?If this was to go further you would need proof
laterooms.com for their accommodation. There is simply a link from their home page which redirects to the provider of accommodation. A sort of DIY package created with compondents of the holiday from the Easyjet website.
Have you thought about contacting them?
Easyjet use Have you thought about contacting them?
Am not hopeful of a decision made by easyjet in our favour, or of that decision being made any time yet, but will keep you all posted.
Yes I do have photographic evidence of the room we were in which easyjet are already in receipt of, and the evidence is pretty damning, some good shots of the bar roof and stools right outside our bedroom window and some equally good shots of beer crates and garbage right outside our balcony.
One of our daughters had the presence of mind to tell us to take the photos.
Thats great you have photos to prove your point. I hope it all works out. I have never booked with Easyjet so I do not know what they are like.
high i dont think of you winging, in deed if everyone took action when treated this way maybe then the likes of easyjet etc would ensure the hotels would be run more efficiently. this manager has no business in the trade, because he takes the hump people who have saved all year and look forward to there holidays get treated like muck. i have been to icemeler 10 times and have never had a bad experience but maybe i have been lucky. keep up the fight if just to let easy jet and the manager know the that standards must be maintained and if not people will complain.
have already been given the brush off by easyjet, a formal apology and 'thanks for your feedback'.
but will not leave it there, I mean maybe I won't get anywhere in the end but I will give them all hell in the meantime!
These tour operators just don't give a damn about the people who book holidays with them, we are all just booking references, not real people who spend all year dreaming of their ideal holiday - a brief respite from lives that may be far from rosy.
it's high time people started to complain and protest more.
I do however hope you gain satisfaction from your complaint to EasyJet/LateRooms/Hotelier and can understand your upset at your holiday plans being mared and the subsequent upset you and your family were put through.
It certainly sounds awfull. However frankly I think you will just end up banging your head against a brick wall and end up with more stress as I can't see how they have broken their contract with you. They supplied you with two rooms as contracted and I don't think a room next to the bar is in breach of that. We have had the same in Turkey with a room over a bar/disco as many are in that part of the world. I understand the noise issues as I also hate it but in any hotel it can be pot luck what you end up with.

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