One discussion with a long time Goa friend almost ended in a real falling out just recently. We were talking about the long time or winter stayers contribution to the Goan economy and he told me we did not count. How do you make that out I asked?
His view was that we have been coming so long we no longer buy the things we did a few years back like spending silly money on souveniers or having clothes made etc. I pointed out we payed rent, hired scooters, bought food in the market but he was having none of this. We were not eating and drinking in many restaurants but cooking at home and frequenting the cheapest bars or staying home some nights buying our drinks from the wine shop.
Now we dare to use the buses we were putting taxis out of business and we want everything as cheap as possible. It is only "2 weekers" they want as they spend all the money. I was going to answer back but changed my mind and as I walked out of his house he shouted - I didn't mean you - I didn't return for over a week and when I did I was greeted with a cheery hello as if he had never said anything to upset me. I was very angry for a couple of days about what he had said but my OH told me to let it go.
This is quite a change from the welcoming Goans we came to know years ago and we have known this person for 12 years as a family friend and I was shocked to learn this is how he now thinks which is very unlike him.
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2007-05-06 14:27:54