Does anybody have any info on the festival taking place in Aswem in April? I've checked the website but it doesn't give a line up of artists. Has anybody been to one of these Big Chill events elsewhere?
Any info would be appreciated, if you don't know what I'm talking about see the link below
First heard about this last November but there seems to be little update since then.
Not attended any of their festivals in the UK but many friends have and speak highly of them.
They are very kid-friendly, with very eclectic line-ups. Typically a more grown up crowd 30-40 rather than the teen-25 year old scene. Should go down well in Goa as a alternative to the trance scene.
Ziggy Marley, Anoushka Shankar are also appearing. The event is taking place in Ashvem at the field next to the new hotel Sur la Mer. I spoke to the owner of the hotel about this concert as the Virgin 'entourage' are all staying at this hotel.
This will be our first visit to Goa, we fly from Manchester on 2nd April - never been to one of these festivals before, sounds great - anyone else been before - would love to hear what your experience was and what to expect!!
my daughters friend told me about this forthcomin festival a couple of months back, she said she went to the UK big chill event last year and it was brilliant, 'out of this world' was her words!! she is early 30's, better than Glastonbury or Reading in her opinion
I know last year it was in April, I'm going for 3 weeks in March and was hoping we might catch it while we are there. I looked on the offical website and it doesn't say anything about dates...... just wondered if anyone had heard anything about dates for 2008?
hello lozza - me and my girlfriend went to this in april and it was excellent, great location, music, food and people. we both said we'd be tempted to go back to goa just for the festival.
know it went down really well and i've heard it's due back in 08, but like you i've checked the website and no news...probably best to email them to find out!