I have just returned from holiday there and had the most horrendous time including being taken to hospital twice in a state of near collapse. there is a virus, more on this later, doing the rounds that attacks you in the early hours of the morning when you become deheydrated very quickly then every sip of water causes you to be violently sick, the acid removing skin from the roof of your mouth.
In my case i finished up in the Brisamar Clinic (do avoid if you can. The NHS on an average day is streets better than this lot). 2 days later the bug hit me again only worse this time, back to Brisamar at the insistance of the insurance company as i am Diabetic
Once sorted you then finish with a terrible sore throat down one side of your windpipe the pain from which gets into your gums and wakes you up three times a night thinking you have terrible toothache. Strepsils worked in my case together with 5 days of patience. Oh yes and keep out of the sun whilst ill as well.
2 different doctors together with some ex pats and a Spanish friend there all confirmed the symptoms as being ever present, regularly caught by the locals who all say its because of the boom in tourists.
Corrie is a small town with a large transient population who are flown then bussed into the resort bringing with them all sorts of bugs and infections assisted by the modes of transport. Parts of the population change daily.Once there they cough and splutter or are coughed upon and together with very high temps this autumn the virus has bred like mad.
If you are going please consider some simple remedies i only thought of too late...get some reheydration salts from the chemist before you go(Diorilyte) always drink plenty of water (not beer!!) during the daytime and if you wake up running to the toilet for a wee regularly, please start the salt treatment asap and then drink gallons of water and that should cause things to return to normal.
Alternatively you could try the Brisamar but its 412 euros a go
Sorry to be so long but I would hate this to happen to you or yours. Curiously it only affects Correlejo though but if you know what it is it can be dealt with easily ..lets hope it doesnt spread. Dont worry about it or let it spoil things for you though....
Thanks for reading