Rather than try to remember everything when we get home I shall endeavour (no promises though) to keep you updated from paradise on earth over the next two weeks. You never know someone else may even join in as time drifts lazily by...

Uneventful, if slightly bumpy, flight over yesterday.
Russel told me he promised the guests returning home yesterday they would be met at Gatwick by the Coastguard to assist with their journeys - they were unimpressed. Here it is horizon-2-horizon sunshine with a cooling breeze and warm, calm sea...

I have to agree with comments made earleir this year, if anything the food has improved on it's already excellent standard - perhaps that is because we were greeted by my favourite calamari stir-fry on our first evening.
Alvin came to see us last night, collected the super zoom binoculars and indestrucible camera. Spent nearly two hours in the Hilton reception trying them out. At one point he was carefully photographing the Hilton bar tariffs - a little blatant espionage perhaps! Ev, mate, Carrot, old bean, and Dor can look forward to competitive prices next week.
Maybe I'll take a stroll up the beach after Ali's pampering in the salon is finished to see if he has spotted and recorded any interesting wildlife with them this morning.
Oh, and the Hilton now has an ATM machine. It's sitting in a large box with the NCR logo, outside the bank. I hope this doesn't mean my brother-in-law is on his way here to install it...