What wedding ?? Weather was far too nice to spend hours indoors!!:)
I believe Harry, Meghan? 😂
I watched and enjoyed it.
I was told I was inconsiderate when I said that as I had been to my own I had no interest and saw no need to watch. Been there - Done it and got the T Shirt.
What a circus, it was like watching them roll up for the BAFA’S or the OSCARs. 
Imo, best dressed guest was Amal Clooney, mustard is a difficult colour to carry off for most people. It can make you look insipid, but she looked fab.
Posh spice looked like she was attending a goth funeral in Whitby with her poker face, straight navy outfit with cape split sleeves.
Pleased to see Fergie had been invited, imo, she had more right to be there than Oprah and the other ‘ celebrities’. Whether you like her or not, she is the mother of two princesses who are Harry’s cousins. It was pretty spiteful to still show she comes alone.
Mind you, the invite might have summat to do with being the forthcoming mother of the bride when her daughter gets married in the autumn and their wedding guest list.
I've seen plenty of photos of the Queen smiling a few days earlier at the horse trials and yesterday at the Chelsea flower show. Her face was like thunder throughout the service…. in contrast she was beaming at Will’s wedding….. Read into that what you will. Personally I think she was totally peed off with the whole shebang, especially the antics and press reports of the bride’s trailer trash family. ( some fellow Americans described them as trailer trash on social media, so if they can use the term, so can I) 😁
The dress. I suppose she couldn't do right from wrong. If she'd had lace on the upper part she'd have been accused of copying Kate. If she gone all glitzy with a flouncy dress adorned with pearls sequins and bows, she have been accused of dressing for Hollywood, So, she went plain, but the dress wasn't fitted very well and it had creased where she had been sat in the car for the short journey to the church. Not worth the money. The commonwealth symbols on the veil was a nice touch.
Her hair was a mess, haven't they heard of lacquer? She's got flyaway broken strands because of damaged hair due to the overuse of chemicals to relax and straighten her natural African curly hair.
The service. It was going ok until the Bishop Curry got behind the lecturn. He went on too long, it was supposed to be an address not a sermon. He said the word love 96 times and he should have stopped at that…...then when he got onto the subject of slavery, fire and brimstone, and at one point I thought the candlesticks were going to go flying, I thought this guy has ‘lost it’.

Thank God he wasn't a pentecostal minister, otherwise he'd have been there alot longer and expected several hallelujahs and amens from the congregation. 😁
Imo, if there's one person who doesn't need lecturing on Christianity in her church, it is Elizabeth 11. She is the head of the Anglican church and a devout practising Christian.
So no I didn't appreciate his rantings on this occasion, apparently he's known for bringing politics into his sermons and quite vocal on being anti Trump.....it was totally inappropriate to deviate from the script of love and what was supposed to be an address at a royal wedding … and from the queen’s body language when the cameras focused on her, I don't think she appreciated it either, but who knows what's going on in people's minds.?
I do think the Queen deserves some respect, if only for the devotion she had shown towards the role life threw at her at a young age and for the fact she is an old lady..Whether you're a monarchist or not.
Finally, absolutely disgusting that the homeless were cleared off the streets of Windsor and their sleeping bags and cardboard boxes confiscated, but if you wanted to doss down in a sleeping bag for 3 nights on the pavements to get a view of the ‘wedding', that was OK.
Funny old world ain't it?
Glad it's over, maybe we can get back to some 'real' news now.....until the pregnancy is announced

Sanji x
Edited by
2018-05-23 07:08:54
To insert paragraphs
Best part of Curry's sermon was Zara Philips face & Kate trying not to laugh. Speaking of Kate, I did notice that during the wedding service she rarely looked at the couple, her eyes diverted to her programme.
Not keen on Megan, my instinct says there's something not right. I don't like Camilla either 😁

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