We used to stay at the Tuncay in the old village of Icmeler {3 times now} because it was lovely and peaceful, never had any problems around the pool or at the apartments. Well not until last year when 2 familys took over the place, we was just beginning our second week and lost our sunbeds and the kids just ran around uncontrolable.
After meeting some really nice people the week before, we had a great time around the pool side with them and got on really well

This year we are staying somewhere else, I think we will enjoy the change of apartments.
I'll no doubt post some pictures when we arrive home, but I'm not going to say where we are staying in a report as I feel that if you tell everybody of a nice little place to stay the guests who read these posts seem to hit the best places and ruin it for some people.
I also read somebody elses report who stayed at the above apartments last week and they experienced the same as us in that newbies turned up and took over the place, people should have more consideration I think

Anyway I can't wait to arrive in Icmeler, been looking forward to it for a whole year