I think I may have been more tolerant if we hadnt had a stressful start to our holiday.
We travelled 320miles in dreadful blizzard conditions on a day when the TV were advising people to stay at home.
We had no choice and didnt want to leave the journey until the day before departure.
We arrived after an uneventful journey at out daughters village which had 2ft snow with cars abandoned at the side of the road.
We heard that Gatwick was closed so the next morning we went to the Thomas cook branch in the village to ask what we should do only to be informed we had to get to the airport and check in as normal or we would lose our money,even if the airport did not open.
We started to panic as our flight was at 9am the next day and as we would have to be at the airport at 3-4am we didnt want to chance being snowed in so decided to go to the airport then,3pm.
We then heard there was no trains or buses running so tried to get a taxi but none where willing to take us.
We then started to clean the snow of the daughters car while she went to tell her husband,who was sledging with the kids in a field nearby that she was taking us to Gatwick.
On her way back she saw a man kicking his tyres and she asked him if he had broke down.He said he was waiting for a fare.
She asked him to come and take us to Gatwick which he did 10 minutes later.
We were so relieved and after a couple of miles he answered his phone but put it straight down.He spoke in a foreign language which seemed familiar so I asked him where he was from originally?He said Turkey!I told him he was the slowest Turkish taxi driver I have ever met.
He got us there safely and charged £60 for 19 miles.
As we were going towards the doors I had a feeling they were locked.They were but some workmen opened the door to us and let us into the deserted airport,where we spent the night on the floor.We were looked after by the staff who gave us a meal in the staff canteen,drinks and blankets.
We sat next to some lovely folk returning to Vancouver who couldnt believe the airport had closed because of snow.
We checked in at 5.30am and were sent to our departure gate at 8am where we sat in the freezing cold until 1pm while 1 man on a cherry picker swept the snow off the plane with a brush.
By the time we got to Hurghada we were shattered and the visa malarkey just made me furious.
We reckoned he made £8.90 out of us that day.Multiply this by a plane load of people makes him a canny profit.