Further to BEfreeTODAY's post, you'll find aircraft and IFE information on our What Aircraft? guide (link below).
My wife booked the 2 of us to go to Puerta Plata on the 6th July from Glasgow.We upgraded our seats as the holiday is for a special anniversary. After a while we were informed by TCX that the aircraft was to be downgraded to a single all economy seating and we were a bit disappointed that this had come about as we were looking forward to it.Nevertheless we received a discount in lieu of the downgrade and just had to settle for the amended flights or rebook something else.We needn't have bothered as the original 2 class was reintroduced and TCX told us that they were not going to charge us for the upgrade.Nice in these times, that customer care is not a thing of the past and to say we are delighted with the company is an understatement.This is our 2nd time we have used them for long haul and will continue to do so again.
my friend is flying bristol to zante with thomas cook 29/07/10 and she would like to know what films will be shown also does anybody know what the inflight prices are for duty free please , thank you for any feed back
As her flight is operated by a narrow bodied aircraft, there won't be any IFE shown (effective May 2010). The onboard retail range is availalbe on Thomas Cooks inflight magazine. You'll just need to register with Ink Publishing to view it.
Thank you Darren , for your help . is there a particular reason why they dont show inflight films as 4 hours on board is a long time to keep either children or adults entertained . I enjoyed browsing through the inflight magazine myself
It was a management decision for cost cutting, they aparantly claim a majority of passengers weren't too bothered about IFE. Hand hand players can be hired for the flight at £7.50 with various films and programmes on them.
I am flying to Ibiza in August with TCX on the 767, and wondered if anybody knew the specific seat numbers that don't have a window. The reason being is that we have paid for Your Seat Your Choice and I don't want to select a windowless seat, as I had the unfortunate pleasure of no window on both my O/B and I/B a couple of years ago and it was horrid!
Thank You

Welcome onboard

There are several rows with no windows. If you avoid the last row in the front cabin, and approximately rows 13 and 16 in the centre cabin, you should get your window view. Further aircraft information is available on our What Aircraft? guide (link below).
I travelled in the front cabin when I didn't have the window, I think that I was in Row 9, so just wanted to be sure of any other areas that I should avoid choosing!

Thanks Darren!!!!

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