Sunaddict wrote:I they may reintroduce it again at some point. They've just starting flying to Puerto Vallerta again,.
I do think it is good that a few new (or comeback) destinations are being added to Thomsons flight schedule. But there’s a trend towards very much higher pricing than in the past.
I went to Puerto Vallarta with Thomson/FC back in 2007, just before they stopped the flights, and I really enjoyed it. I stayed at Golden Crown Paradise and paid 1291 for all-inclusive
- and that included single supplement.
I just checked pricing for summer 2014. They now offer the hotel right next door, same hotel group, called Crown Paradise Club, which has almost identical features to the Golden Crown (except, sadly, the club does allow children) and the price is over 2200 – a 70% increase!
I’ve looked at their new Barbados and Mauritus offerings
– and frankly the prices are unbelievably high. Not for me.
Now what I’d REALLY like to see, and would be prepared to break my piggy bank for, is an offering like the “Round The World†trip run by My Travel/Airtours in, I think, 2006.
If my memory is right, it was one A330 plane, flying right around the world for about 25 days, going places like Borneo, Australia, China, India, Egypt, S.Africa, Hawaii, the USA, and more
It cost around 4500 including all hotels and meals!
Sadly, they only did it once, so I guess it didn’t make a profit,
But what a nice way to promote the Dreamliner – hint, hint.
Please Thomson?