Silverpixie/neilthebeaver Thank you for your comments. I usually go through the brochure with a fine toothcomb, as I have been stung before (First Choice), I asked Thomsons if the priority check-in still applied and the sales person said yes. I believed them as I have never had a problem with Thomsons before. IMO the sales person should/could have looked up the brochure there and then, and advise me, they didn't, after all I am in their shop asking for advice, however if they didn't.
Reference to the fridge, I told the sales person that the fridge was not free (according to brochure) before I booked, they confirmed it was. I got home emailed the hotel who advised you had to pay for the fridge.
Back into the shop the following day, I advised Thomsons of the above, ref to the fridge ( I was still within my time to cancel holiday and not loose any money), they quickley confirmed that they would pay for the fridge, it was at this point I asked if there was anything else they weren't telling me - and they confirmed no.
I have now accepted there is no priority check-in, and I have learned from this experience - its the lying I can't accept!