Hi all,
Firstly an introduction - I'm not a director of Holiday Truths but am involved with the company behind it and, like Lance, want to try and help breath fresh life into the site to welcome back members and grow a community.
I'm aware that Lance has a thread running for any feedback on what you would like to see from the site but I wanted to bring you up to speed on something that will be implemented in the coming weeks from my side of things.
Over the past few weeks, I've spent some time looking over the site and have noticed we have quite a few old threads that are being resurrected now with people responding to information that - in some cases - is a few years old.
I'm going to be going through some of these older threads and locking them to new comments so that we can have discussions on new topic running in threads of their own where they will have more relevance, and also where people are more likely to see issues/questions being raised in order to respond themselves.
I will make a note in the relevant threads before they are closed so people know but wanted to make you aware first.
Please note that I will only be closing threads so that the information remains accessible and viewable - they won't be deleted.
Any questions, feel free to ask

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