hi weve just come back from sharm thursday night, we had never been before and was a last minuet descison to go so didnt really know what to expect. when we got to taking our bags to the bus from the airport a man put the bags on not asure if this was the driver or someone eles, he put out his habd for a tip, we gave him a pound coin.
when we got the the hotel my fioance gave me a pound ready to give to the porter for helping us with the cases, well i gave it to the man who brought them in form the bus for us and it was the last one we had, so then when the porter took our cases to the room and held his hand out for a tip we had nothing! i only had small english change english notes and high domination egyption money so i i gave him a few 20 pence peices that i had, thinking it may be better than nothing and had a hard time eplaining we didnt have any money. the man asked me if it was real! i know he might not be able to use this but i didnt no what eles to do!
during the holiday we tipped a couple of times, we tipped the same waiter twice, once early on -about 3 days into the hol this was 5 egyiption pound and then again abput 5 days in to the hol this was 13 egyption pound, my fioancer liked him and we found out that they work 12 hours a day everyday for 2 months then go back home for 2 weeks and come back to work again for 2 months etc. we also tipped the people in the restraunt on the last night as they brought me an unexpected birthday cake out and sang happy birthday in 2 languages! and it was good service-drinks always toped up, extra food cooked if we wanted it (were all inclusive).
so that was our experiance with tipping, our rep said that the normal tippping amount is between 3-5 egyption pound, i think anything below is considerd an insult she said. but you dont have to tip although we found some do expect it (held hand out) for things like taking cases to your room.