We have £1200 is this more than enough?
For 1 day...7 days....14 days....21 days......a year.....?


I always get a pair of trainers for my daughter and my husband gets his trainers there .They are still using trainers and shoes we bought 4 years ago .You can get a lot of fake brand names and they are very good .We go to G/S but it is the same in Sunny beach . June

I have also bought trainers & shoes from Sunny Beach & they are still going strong.
There is a more traditional style market on a Wednesday in one of the near by villages. I cant remember the name though. Sorry!

There are a couple of really good stalls in the main market area of SB. They do alot of the brand names. I too have a child that is into them & there is more than enough to choose from. They can average from £7 to £18, depending on what you want. £1200 is plenty to go with for 2 weeks, in fact you could take half of that & still come back with some.
Hope you have a fab time.

Thankyou for the replies June & Tepe they very helpful
You can do a shopping trip from Sunny Beach while you're there,it consists of a stop at the Metro (Hypermarket) and then on to Burgas,and on the way back it stops off at the gypsy market at Kableshko.
When i was there it was on a Thursday,you can book it with your travel rep,but it is cheaper to book it with one of the local excursion booths.
I bought my trainers at Burgas and my shoes at the gypsy market,that was 2yrs ago and both are still going strong.
Hi, just came back from sunny beach yesterday. I went with my son took £400 for the 2 of us for 1 week, and that was plenty. Drinks and food are cheap about 6 levs per person. Market was on a Thursday. Shops sell trainers but i never really looked at them. A lot of Von Dutch, Diesel, Lacoste, Formula 1 stuff to buy. Tops vary from 10 - 18 lev. £3- £8 each. stuff is really cheap. Just watch your bags when you go out, ladies tops seem to be 1 size, stretchy material, guys are S,M,L,XL
on the main road of sunny beach there is a market which is on everyday where you can get trainers
You wouldnt buy poor clothes in the UK so dont here just because someone has sewed on a rather poor NIKE or Rebok label. Its all tat. Shoes no way if you care for your feet. Stuart
My wife bought leather boots and shoes, once again still wearing well. Her Timberland jacket is so good we were asked, and bought somemore last year. You just have to look and make sure you're happy with what you're buying.
We did see some adidas trainers with nike soles !!!

Yeh, not many people in the developed world shop in TK maxx, Primark, QS, Peacocks etc. ? And what about charity shops?You wouldnt buy poor clothes in the UK
As for the foot thing, I wear a pair of £13 "Hurley" trainers. And I have perfect feet. And as far fetched as it may seem on a website where people make stuff up, my mum was a chiropodist for many many years. She trained with scholl (lived in Islington for a month when I was ten... I suffered, but that's by the by). And I have nicely painted nails. Who cares whether or not my shoes come from a market or not. The reality of a branded society is simply that we get told that product X is better for you if it costs more. Take the famous sociological experiment whereby caviar was branded exactly the same, with exactly the same product inside, yet people chose the extortionately priced one over the cheap one.
Sorry to get on my high horse, but before defending brand names try reading the book "branded" by Alissa Quartz. That, along with a few others have really opened my eyes to the reality of branding.
It's not a personal attack, and tbh, i don't care that much. IM OFF TO GOLDEN SANDS TOMORROW.... ahahahahaaaa!!!
The other half and I usually spend about £700 between us and that includes food, drink and presents.

I see you've started on the pina coladas!

Ulsterg- I'm sure you'll find some bargains- you just have to be realistic as to what the quality is likely to be.( Mind you, the members here seem to have had good wear from their trainers.)
To both Ulsterg and Marianne- have great holidays!

Thanks folks for you comments they really helped..really looking forward to it now,,2 more days
That is my opinion and I have shared it.
I go to Sunny Beach on 16th and so will look again and maybe prove myself wrong and buy a nice garment.
Hope you have a great time!
I bought theree pairs of trainers this time last year. Two pairs are reasonably OK but one pair is starting to come apart at the seams. I only wear trainers really at the weekend and I can only wear one pair at a time, so they have not had that much wear. I went with the intention of buying trainers for aerobics, but didn't find any suitable for sports wear only fashion shoes. I also got four fake handbags. Two were small bags for going out at night and they have stood up fine, but again, they have only been used very occasionally. I got the other two for work. The zip went in one within about six weeks and the lining completely in the other in about six months. They were both used every day and have stood up very badly compared to bags I have got from home for not much more which never seem to wear out and I only change cos I get bored with them (though not obviously designer - more M&S). I think you only get what you pay for and will no doubt buy more stuff when I go next week, but not for anything I want to use on a daily basis. As for the clothes, I didn't even bother because the sizes were so small
My zip went also on a hoodie. Lets not get carried away everyone. If we all think this is Primart prices and quality(and I buy from Primart sometimes and they have been fine - £4 jeans, £2 sweatshirts) then you will know what you are getting.
Infact I think Primart are better than what I have seen and bought. Alison is right their sizes are like 2 - 3 sizes wrong.
I just dont agree with people saying bargain - brand names willy nilly because they are not in quality anything like the real thing.
If that is being a misery guts then sorry but live in a fantasy then, I prefer the real world of facts.

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