I noticed those GA passes being pulled out of Swiss Wallets and Purses when travelling, as they have a thorough on-train ticket inspection service.
Most rail stations had stands with flyers, maps, timetables. For example if you had tickets to the Montreaux Jazz festival you could also get 20% discounts off train tickets. There are a lot of cars about but it is congested in the City and hard to park. Not great for a tourist who doesn't know what they are doing.
Our hotel was 330 SF a night for a double B&B which is of course expensive although it was a beautiful Boutique style hotel.
There were much cheaper options if you are flexible on where you stay. Anything Lakeside will be exhorbitant, which goes without saying. We did a fair bit of walking when not viewing gymnastics, as our weather was good.
I think Steve is right, if you want to go on a City Break, when ready start a new thread. Can't advise on Geneva City itself as all we saw was the airport and train station. I wouldn't mind going back & spending a few days there, as we were Lausanne focused. It was 30 mins on the train from Geneva to where we were & a further 30 to Montreaux.
The biggest bargain is the Easyjet flights to Geneva you can kind of offset that against the hotel/food costs. It's a long time since I have been but I would say costs similar to Paris, Venice but for 2 or 3 days it's probably of no consequence. Larger style beer was about 4 SF for small glass - thought Dave might want to know!