Post two on that thread has a list of possibles. My father managed to get insurance and he is over 80 with medical conditions. He actually used different companies for each holiday- soley on quote. It wasn't cheap but certainly less than his flight price.

Carol, are you really saying that the insurance will cost around £1000 ? !!!!!!!
Sure am! Halifax who I Bank with £900 ish Saga £889, the lowest was £500 with exclusion for pre-existing med conditions. Lots more but head spinning trawling thro websites.
You need to speak to people on the phone. if you have several conditions I don't think they should be able to give a good quote through a website.
Thanks again this forum never let's me down where another does!
let us know how you get on
They insure people up until they are 80.
They are also good should you need to claim.
Its best to phone them rather than look on line.

Open a Nationwide Current account. You get free travel insurance for Europe and worldwide costs and extra £20 for a couple. It works up to 80 years of age.
We are with Nationwide and hubby has high blood pressure, diabetes, & is on statins, I have high cholesterol and am on statins. Both smokers. I'm 60 hubby is 53. A years cover cost us £90.
Glynis HT Admin wrote:We are with Nationwide and hubby has high blood pressure, diabetes, & I s on statins, I have high cholesterol and am on statins. Both smokers. I'm 60 hubby is 53. A years cover cost us £90.
I should be glad I am relatively health by the sounds of it!! Mind you £90 quid is probably a bargain in the circumstances!
Have you considered packing in the fags?
I thought it was a good price as high cholesterol covers a few health possibilities and I wanted to make sure we were both covered.
try Lifescan i have diabetes bloodpressure depression rheumatism and prostate troubles and they were good last year
Carolmillington, are those prices you've been quoted for annual policies? If they are you might find it cheaper to look at single trip insurance instead, even if you take more than one holiday each year but as long as you only do one longhaul trip in a year. We found that insuring my Mum for each holiday separately saved money unless she was going to go away more than 3 times a year. It's almost as if they were assuming that within the following 12 months her condition was bound to deteriorate whereas it was unlikely to deteriorate that much in say 4 months time.
Thanks everyone for your helpful responses. I have taken policies out with separate company's and just covered repatriation and hospital. Hubby's has come down to £124. (?) how do,they do that one company charging £436 and another £124. I accept mine would be mire expensive because of the pre-ex. (£160). Still the amount could feed us for a couple of weeks in Goa. Hubby says how the heck do some get out there. In the village we are in the lady is in a wheelchair and can do next to nothing for herself and they have a disabled adult son it must cost them a fortune. I know we spoke to quite a few and a lot had come out without insurance but I'm to jumpy to do that. Hubby would risk it but not me. Apparently it's his age (70) and the length of time we are going for (57 days), and he doesn't even take one tablet ir any other meds. Thanks again everyone always can count on you lit to give answers without sarcy comments
Sma the are single trip
Good Heavens! That much for single trip policies for each of you! So glad you have got something sorted - here's hoping you never have to use it but without insurance the repatriation costs can be horrendous so it's never worth chancing it to my mind.
did anyone ever hear of the results of the Brit in Thailand (?) earlier this year that was stuck because he couldn't pay his hospital bills?
HUBBY is now saying this is the last trip to Goa. (11th) either that or we go for a shorter visit we will have to see

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