i write a holiday journal,(have for a long while) start it when i frist book holiday,who we booked with,where,hotel,board,cost, etc, then again when tickets arrive,
the night before we go,about packing, etc,then on day time we leave(we go by coach) so places we go to pick up,time etc, do this though to spain,
and write in it every day, what we ate,drank,who we met,etc,allways take a cheap note padto jot things in,then it fits in bag, pocket
when we get home transfer it,i get lovely journal books,from the works or some where like that.
you can get 2-3 holiday in one journal book.
often look back at a year to see what time this or where we met some one,
i love doing it, as you do forget things when theres alot going on.