Well it's all over bar the shouting now! Last week we had a day in Brisbane, doing the City Cat trip all the way from Bretts Wharf to the Regatta Pub. It's a bit of a historic landmark in Brisbane, having survived many floods and being one of the oldest in Brisbane. A nice pub with a restaurant and a cafe attached, all serving good tucker. Down the river to Riverside and called in at the Pig and Whistle for dinner.
Now - Regatta is flooded into the cellar and water is lapping at the dock top in Riverside.
Then down to Sydney, Newcastle and a place just up the road from Newcastle, Nelsons Bay. An excellent stopping point. Hogs Breath Cafe for lunch, overlooking a nice little harbour.
Well worth a visit if you getthe chance.
Next week is Adelaide and hopefully, fly back to Brisbane for our flight to LA - if the airport isn't flooded.