In TUNISIA Summertime has started today, 26th of March and finishes the 29th of October 2006.
Very kind regards from the Netherlands !
Thanks Pittie - I'll probably catch the October change-over again but at least I won't be caught out this year.
Do you think i should ring my agent and check my tickets are ok, knowing my luck something will go wrong at the airport,lol
If your ticket shows it takes about 4 hours to get there and 2 hours to get back you are OK.:lol: It will have been issued when it was already known that UK would have moved into Summer time - (the flight is about 3 hours) Tunisia is always an hour ahead of BST so if both countries change their clocks the difference will be the same.
is there a time difference in june as on my booking information it shows there is no time difference whats the weather like in june so i know hat clothes to take x
My mum and dad are there at the moment there is 1 hour difference, we were there last june it is unbarabley hot around the 40 mark, i am a sun worshipper and don`t normally move from morning till night apart from getting in the water however i had to sit in the shade from about 11.30 till 3 you won`t even need to get dried as by the time you walk from the pool to your sunbed you are dry take pleanty of sun lotion have a fab time.
On the subject of sun lotion , anyone going inbetween June and August . remember to take as much lotion as you can. yull get through it in no time . and to buy it in Tunisia is very very expensive .
would you recommend starting on a v high factor and working down throughout the week?
I can usually get away with a 10 . but i use a 25 when i first get there .. the sun just burns you .

The time difference will be two hours ahead from sometime in June. I'm not sure which date sorry,
Tunisia will be putting their clocks ahead another hour in June, this added hour will be here to stay.

where did u hear they are puting there clocks forward another hour i asked my fiance and he laughed at me and said that he didnt know anything about that he said they will just be ann hour in front like they are now and he lives there.
Im confused, on one of the Sky channels they had a bit on Tunisia and they said it is on GMT all year then I hear they go to BST now I hear they just fancy putting another hour on and will be GMT + 2 (BST+1)??
I am going on the 3rd june abck on the 10th June, anyone know what time zone they will be on by the time we get there?!
i went in 3 travel agents today and they all told me that they are not putting the clocks forward again from 29th march til 29th october they wil be 1 hour ahead of GMT and from 29th october they will be the same as GMT so where did the person that put they were going forward again that this information from because my fiance who is tunisian dont know anythin about this .
Unfortunately, just because the Tunisians themselves don't know anything about it doesn't mean that it ain't necessarily so, as I discovered the first time they started playing with their clocks without warning the locals (or tour operators) and some people nearly missed their flights.
Sorry for the confusion. I spoke to the head Thomson rep in tunisia today, and they have only just been told and everything is abit up in the air at the moment. I live in Tunisia and was told by a few of the locals. Also an english couple I know who speak fluent arabic told me they had read about it in the paper last week. Thomsons said they are waiting for confirmation before they let people know,
so they are waiting to find out if its true. if its true then what will happen with the tickets as my fiance will be meeting me at he airport and i want him to be there at the right time. i will know if this happens as i talk to him everyday but i dont know why they would change there clocks as they just changed them when we changed ours and they are not due to change then until october so well i dont know

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