I am considering buying a property in Bodrum. I had some concerns though as I know there have been quite a few bombings in Turkey over the last few years and I also read today that they are experiencing their worst riots in the last 10 years. Do you think people investing in property should be concerned about this and the general stability of Turkey?
Would be interested to hear anyone's thoughts about this.
The first thing to remember is that most of the trouble is over in the east or in Istanbul. Also you can not go anywhere in the world nowadays without finding some problem: Eta in Spain; riots in France; bombings in London; bird flu everywhere etc. You'd end up staying indoors and doing nothing. There could be a bombing in Bodrum sometime in the future but there could be anywhere in the world.
Go for it!
I left the uk because i was fed up paying tax after tax whilst other people sat on their a**e and got handouts. I was fed up with a once brilliant health and education system slowly decaying in a mass of poor financial management and extreme political correctness. i was angry at persistent criminal offenders flouting the law and getting more sympathy than their victims. I didn't want my children to become embroiled in a drugs culture that saps the soul out of so many people. These are a few of my personal reasons for leaving and I think they are far more important than bombs and riots. More and more people are doing the same and arriving in Turkey which should allay your fears about investment here.
Good luck with your choices
Rich cant agree more with the two previous post, I currently live in Antalya but I will retire in a few more years and I will be Chelseaboys neighbour. And if you new the area where he is you would know why we want to live there. Chelsea boy I keep promising to get down there but I am busy, busy busy.
Bryn.its about time you stepped off the treadmill............. kadastro have just started mapping the Boz..... developing a bit of land near the sea must be better than flogging apartments...far less stressful anyway.take care and see you soon
CB just waiting on the results of the mapping then the land s going on the market me thinks, then it will be time to get the suttons seed catalogue out and learn how to fish
As with any muslim country there is the question of the fundimentalists taking over its a totally different culture. I personally wouldn't invest anything there but its clear that others think different.
CB just waiting on the results of the mapping then the land s going on the market me thinks, then it will be time to get the suttons seed catalogue out and learn how to fish
sell your bit

As with any muslim country there is the question of the fundimentalists taking over its a totally different culture. I personally wouldn't invest anything there but its clear that others think different
what aload of B******s...havent you heard of Attaturk.have you been to Turkey...just as a lesson, the government here IS muslim fundlmentalist and they have done more for muslim/west relations than BLAIR, bush and any other "western" leader. plus they have stablised an erratic country that is now ready to sign initial EU agreements...please dont post without knowledge

Why do you think so many people are buying property in
Turkey? They must read the same newspapers as you.
The western part of Turkey (where most people buy property)
is more European and liberal.
I would still advise Ric35 to go ahead but to be quick as prices
are rising fast (you still there Ric35?).
Yes I have been to Turkey, also experienced time in one of their hospitals I am basing my opinion on articles I have read in the newspapers. they don't have a chance of joining Europe in the next decade. Just because you live there doesn't make you an expert, the poster asked for opinions and thats what I think. Not saying I'm right but I have read a lot about the problems there.
Articles in newspapers..... try INVALID URL you wont get any t**s on page 3, or whose had liposuction on page 5, but you might get ACTUAL turkish news in english. As for hospitals, i'm sorry that your experience wasn't good. But my wife suffered for 6 years in england with stomach pains, 6 years of tests and different specialists, 2 months here and they removed her gall bladder with 20+ stones in it, some the size of marbles.
I hope Turkey doesn't go into the EU, but my point was that this "fundamentalist" government has turned the economy and the human rights issues around so that they are in line with the EU.
I agree living here doesn't make my opinions any more valid, but then the uk press advised people not to go to Turkey due to bird flu. The nearest case was 900 miles away from the tourist resorts, are they now saying dont come to the UK?
be careful what you read............
I have lived here in turkey now for 5 years and to be honest I feel a lot safer here than I would in the UK!!! I have been back a few times in the past 5 years and to be quite honest a few days was enough for me!
Why do you think so many people are buying property in
Turkey? "
Probably for the same reasons as they were buying houses in the UK in the late 80's, a belief that the only way is up and "safe as houses"
buyer beware......
to quote mark twain when he was asked what to invest in by a younger man
'' Buy land son they aren't making any more''
Jacky did you also ready in the paper that Freddy Star ate a hampster
Sorry, but I would rather go to the hospital in Turkey over any British one anyday. Always let down by them over here.
to quote mark twain when he was asked what to invest in by a younger man
'' Buy land son they aren't making any more''
Yes I agree he did tell some good stories

I bought a villa rather than buy a BMW 2 years ago. Now my small investment of £23,000 for a 3 bedroom villa with pool is worth over £40.000. A BMW would now be worth less than £15,000. If Turkey joins the EEC then I can expect even greater growth. If pension rules in the UK are changed to include 2nd homes the prices will rocket.
A tip is to buy from the Turks rather than the European developers who charge more for a property and have higher management charges.
I'd go for the BMW anytime
I say this because I did live in several places in Turkey including the coastal towns, but also in towns etc much further north and there was an enormous difference between the two in very many ways. The first difference I noted was how women though in most laws are supposed to be, were very definitely not equal in terms of treatment and their daily contact with authorities. I lost count of the number of times when I had made a face to face enquiry say with the police, or the local authority and the answer was directed at and to my husband. Little niggly things that only add up over the years. I also hated the way domestic violence was not taken seriously. I will not say too much on that subject but women were treated with the appalling disregard that they probably were in the UK back in the fifties. It was truly loathsome.
Some of the political stuff fair made my skin crawl and although to a certain extent things have been cleaned up in the last few years, there is still an undercurrent of fear felt by those who do not represent the main political 'focus' within the country or sometimes the locality and yes, I have bathed the wounds of men who spoke out and then received a visit from the 'authorities'. I note that the graffiti in those small towns hasn't changed over the years, so the situation appears similar.
I have had good and bad treatment in Turkish hospitals in much the same way as in the UK but please do not make the Turkish system to be equitable in the way the NHS is. Face it, if you are poor and do not have insurance, you do not get a decent health care service in Turkey.
And there are places in Turkey that still are desperately poor, where there is no running water and very definitely not any hot water or something that resembles a flushing toilet. Even in some of the larger cities these sort of dwellings exist in their thousands.
There are those therefore that are willing to exploit the situation and take advantage of those who live in dire circumstances. In these conditions the political situation can get scary.
I also did not care for the way casual violence was used to solve any minor local disputes which is something those of you living on the coast must also be familiar with due to the workings of the local 'mafia' types who do control who can and cannot set up in business to a far greater extent than the local authority does.
Ignoring all of this or living somewhere where these experiences are not common doesn't mean they don't happen and are not true. They should be acknowledged as part of the make up of a country for better or worse. One of the reasons I could not continue living there was because people would not acknowledge and or handle the truth.
Please don't get me wrong, I love the country and have done since I first set foot there nearly thirty years ago. I have always been welcomed as a guest wherever I have travelled but as a permanent resident the blinkers should not be pulled down and situations ignored. We don't ignore them in the UK because the problems are at least acknowledged by those who live there. Life is never a complete bed of roses where ever you happen to be.

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