Well you could say that all the restaurants are Turkish as they're all in Turkey but I know what you mean. Seray Zetas near the Magnific hotel is a good restaurant, as is Adana 01 as mentioned earlier. A lot of the restaurants offer Turkish food on their menus and it's all good. I can recommend Chinatown and Cheers/Mascot as they both have quite a few Turkish dishes on offer and they're really good - Cokertme, Adana (amphora) kebab, my mouth's watering at the thought of the food - it's a good job I'm going back there on Monday so I can have some.
We have a house up near the Universal Hospital in Gumbet and if you look on the big main road, there's quite a few restaurants up there that are away from the tourist part and offer good food.
Siesta Beach is at the Bodrum end of Gumbet - do make the effort to explore the whole of the resort as the atmosphere is different at the other end. Also try discovering the peninsula - it's a lovely place. If you like fish, go to Gumusluk - the fish restaurants there are fantastic.