I booked and fully paid a holiday to malta. going in feb this year, paid in summer last year. now this ripoff government use the flimsiest excuse to nick another £5 per person off air travellers.
my question is does this tax apply to new bookings made after the announcement or does it apply to all trips taken after feb1 regardless of when they were booked and paid?
Who's fiddling who??
since writing this, I have checked the internet and found that ALL flights after february 1 are subject to this extra charge regardless of when they were booked or paid in full. some airlines, like BA say they will absorb the charges but other airlines will not. if you have not already paid this tax increase i suggest you check with your airline otherwise it may come as a shock at check-in.
Please write to your MP and voice your disgust.
This has all been covered on this link. Please write to your MP and voice your disgust.
Edited by
2007-01-19 13:47:48
to the person with chevron, i would query this 5.50 coz the tax only went up by £5 and if there is a lot of you going that extra 50p each could be a lotta cash.
REALLY mind paying but just wanted to make sure the holiday firm werent taking money from me for a drink, you know?
ta muchly for the link M&N, i tried to search the forums for an answer but couldnt find it. dont It is a total of 3 x £5:50.
When you consider how much everyday products rise you can not really moan but it would have been nice to defer the charge for those already having paid for the flight.
by the way, take a look at the comment from the person who says "my daughter booked..."
at check in desk:
clerk:"i'm sorry madam but your holiday price has increased a little due to the APD increase. if this isnt paid now, you will not be able to fly."
traveller:"how much extra will i have to pay?"
*tap tap tap*
clerk:"yes madam that comes to only £470. how would you like to pay?"
Clerk:"could somebody please clear this fainted woman from the desk please. NEXT!"

We are off to Malta in March with Air Malta. Have not yet received any request for APD. It will be interesting to find out if they are going to charge for APD or not? if they do charge will it be an extra £5.00 or what Chevron are charging £5.50? I guess 50p is Chevron's administration cost!
Good news for me......and many others...
Have this morning queried this with Chevron, they are enquiring with Air Malta to see where we stand, will let everyone know once we get there reply.
Hello all, I would like to have a say on this although not so much the £5.00 airport tax. What about the fuel surcharge this more of a rip off, just take (thomson holidays) they have now dropped it for this years bookings, yet most of the others still have it in place. As we all now the price of fuel has come down a lot since this charge was put on us, to me it seems like the travel firms are making a lot of money from it.
Quite true! this is from Maltabargains.com :-Booking fee/fuel surcharge/ccharge from £0 to £49 per person.
Funny thing is that it's always £49.oo p.p.

I have been told that the EC is to bring in legislation this summer to stop all of this.

It seems that their press release regarding the absorption of the new 'green' tax was a load of C***.
Here is a copy of the reply I received today from Chevron....>
Following is Air Malta's response to your query with regard to the new 'green' airport departure tax.
Unfortunately they have clarified the fact that they are only 'assuming cost for tickets that had already been issued', although they are well aware that no tour operator would have issued tickets for departures after 31Jan07.
Air Malta's press release was a worthless statement, trying to score spurious points against more competitive airlines.
Its been on the news today and some travellers are having to pay when they check in.
Yes, I paid 2 weeks ago when Chevron billed me for the extra 'tax'.
Referring to the Air Malta statement. Can I assume that as I booked directly with them and have e-tickets issued at the time of booking, in October, for travel in July that I won't have to pay the additional tax?
Seeing how devious Air Malta have been I would not assume anything Mike. Best email them.
I wonder what Chevron are up to????

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