Just returned from a great holiday in the Canadian Rockies no complaints with that but United Airlines -well on the outward journey we flew from Heathrow to Chicago then had to collect our luggage and then check it in for the next flight to Calgary. We arrived at Calgary airport no luggage were told we would have it by 4.30 pm next day but it did not arrive. After many long phone calls we received our luggage more than 40 hours after landing.

On our return journey checked cases in at Vancouver flew to Chicago then on to Heathrow. we didn't have to check our luggage at Chicago this time. Arrived at Heathrow waited nearly an hour at the carousel - no luggage then had to join a long queue of passengers to fill in the necessary forms. Informed by the lady at the desk that our bags had gone to Philadelphia!!!!

It seems that check in staff at Vancouver had put the wrong luggage labels on our cases and that some poor soul is now in Philadelphia without their luggage.

We now have to wait until they locate our bags fly them back to Heathrow and then deliver them to our house.

I will contact our insurers Monday but do I need to make any claims from the airline?/ Info would be helpful in this situation

Supermum :cry: :evil: