Hi Mark/Woody
With regards to your bills, your electric bill can be set up direct debit through your bank, but beware as this has to be re done every year. Your council tax/refuse tax is due in May, you dont get a bill, you have to go to the local office, take your tapu and passports, they need the info. For my property the cost is around £30 a year.
Buildings/Earthquake insurance are all yearly. If you set them up for dates that you are going to be out in Turkey every year, then thats not a problem.
Water bill, this one is a problem, as they do not at this time allow for direct debits. Its a case of when the bill comes in, you go and pay it.
Also, you will need to make sure you have plenty of gas, as the bottles will need to be replaced. I have 2 of the very large ones, which tend to last quite some time.
The other thing is, if you have a problem at your apartment, it does happen, as all my electrics fused on one of my rentals. So we had to get an electrician out that day.
Cleaning, will you arrange for your rentals to clean the apartment after them or pre arrange cleaners.
Sorry to say, but for peace of mind. You are probably better off having a property manager. I know it costs, but your rental income will help pay for that, and I am sure you would sleep a lot easier. If your not happy with the service you receive from your property manager, change companies, there are some good ones out there.