swear" about Torrevieja being built on Mafia money! You people must live in some fantasy land!
USE YOUR FLAMING BRAINS for gods sake. Wake up and smell the coffee.
I think it is you that lives in some fantasy land and you should be the one who needs to smell the coffee instead of the grass

You go twice a year and you are an expert on the area.? I think I would prefer the views of Oly Daze, who actually lives there 24/7.

Please don`t insult the intelligence of the people who post in here and obviously know more about Spain than you.
This link (http://www.elmundo.es/cronica/2002/339/1018872136.html" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" class="break-word">click here) is from a national paper of Spain.....it has been translated and in some parts, it will not make sense as per English.
I could show you loads more if you can read Spanish :wink:all clearly stating that Torrevieja has been built on Mafia money.

BTW...there is no need to use capital letters, that is considered as shouting, and I am not deaf yet.

Besos xxx
Edited by
2006-02-06 19:21:13