A football top is a very expensive item, between £40/£50 but on the other hand I could wear a cheap top at £2.99 from Primark, but that wouldnt be looked down on, why? Doesnt make any sense.
Ive also been all over Spain, including Benidorm and I am not common or a lager lout!!!

Can you imagine the outcry at Heathrow if thousands of people started arriving wearing Polish and Roumanian shirts ?
As for the price of a garment, well there is no accounting for taste. I mean Rooney or Ronaldo when you could have Gerrard or Alonso !!!
Truth is around my neck of the woods they are known collectively as s***e and their offspring as apprentice s***e.No point in dressing it up as poor education or missed oppurtunities,some people are just s***e and I do not want to see them in Goa.
Sorry if that appears snobbish but I am just a working class lad and do not associate with *****.
My feelings are probably the same but I will put in a different way. Both me & o/h beleive that there is a different type of person now holidaying in Goa. More than likely they are there for different reasons, we love the culture, to walk miles, to rest, to barter, to eat out on an evening & yes it all goes down better because Goa is so cheap. They are probably there because the food & drink is very cheap & they like to do both in large amounts. Whatever the reasons we don't care, however, we do care when they spoil our holiday, which both o/h & I have worked for. How do they spoil it you may well ask.
The answer is simple by being loud, rude, and obnoxious but most of all the filthy language. We don't care how they dress as long as they don't smell, soapy water costs nothing (be aware guys, footy shirts are made of a material that can make you sweaty in hot weather..

So if you are a loud, swearing, drunken, smelly & a smoker in a restaurant, we don't care what your wearing, where you take your other hols, wether you work or not.... Just don't spoil our hols by going in the same restaurant on an evening, you'll know if I am there by.. just look into the eyes, not around the eyes.
Everyone take care and enjoy.
Agree with papa- LMAO
my name is kyle and I feel quite insulted
Not to go off topic you put your view very eloquently.I am a little more crude in saying s***e will always be s***e shoot me down if you will but thats just the way of the world.One of the reasons we originally kept going back to goa was A:very few kids B:No s***e.Still love it though.
And before I get flamed for having a go at children I personally have nothing against them.Just could not eat a whole one.

The only people we came across that were loud or obnoxious were two idiots in Indiana's down the Beach Road. They were totally off their faces and were very vocal in letting everyone know. They gave the staff a hard time by being so out of it. Mind you, I got bad Goa Gut after eating at Indiana's so I didn't feel too sorry for them at 3am hanging on to the toilet!
You just reminded me of the feeling of anticipation (or should I say dread) I get at the airport on the way out. I scan the lounge on the look out for Dare I say it CHILDREN, when I spot them I convince myself they are going somewhere else. Then they call out the gate number and you guessed it, I'm either cock a hoop or mortified that a child is going to Goa. I then have to sit in fear until all the seats on the plane near me or taken, just incase one is in the next few rows (extra leg room, so they can't sit next to me). I like you, have nothing against children as long as they don't share the same hols (I don't go in school hols for that reason).
My reason for this is, yes I used to be a child & I have 2 lovely adult children. However, didnt take them abroad when they were young (& I definetly wasn't taken abroad)as the hols was for their pleasure, we went to local resorts, played on the beach, on a donkey, on the roundabouts, had an icecream & a stick of rock/candy floss. We didn't force on them long flight journeys which could give them earaches, food/medication that could upset tummies.Nothing worse on a long journey than a screaming child to get your nerves on edge (at least a smelly, loud, swearing, drunk can be threatened by the air stewardess).
We took them abroad when they were old enough to appreciate the different cultures & we discussed as a family before hand what & where would be suitable.
Why do some (note I said some not all) parents think that it is ok for their small children to be wandering around the shack, pestering other adults to play. Do you really think that everyone really does want to play with your child because we're smiling, it's because we're too polite to say go back to mummy, as we would be perceived as miserable so & so's.
So like Papa, I don't dislike children, I just don't like other people's in my face. I know this report may not go down well but Papa made me write it

This is NOT inteded to offend anyone, it's just little old me avin a rant.

Thats exactly what the original poster was trying to say, the football shirts are now taking over certain parts of North Goa, and as usual the polite & accommodating people find other quieter places to have a peaceful holiday. Isn`t it always the same, you find heaven and within a few years it`s hell, through no fault of your own.
I`ve personally never understood the football shirt, is it some sort of massive insercurity problem? that you have to inform everybody you meet who you support 5,000 miles away. Is it meant to impress the local Indians or something. I follow football & cricket and the last thing on my mind while landing in Goa is my football team back home, the very last by a long way.
And you`ll never escape the synonymous undertones associated with these garments. I just sincerely hope they haven`t travelled down to Colva yet, i didn`t see any last year just a few cricket tops, and thats fair enough as England played there in the ODI.
Why couldn`t they just have stuck to Spain, cheap beer and sun there, ands lets be perfectly honest, thats all there after.
They did bring us other residents closer together but it was a very uncomfortable experience being around them.
Since then I have always booked a private apartment, it might not have the facilities of a hotel but definetly has advantages

Why should people with children or football shirts not get the same out of goa as everyone else on here its a great place that eveyone including children can enjoy.
What I can't understand is, why would anyone want to wear a garment that is made of artificial fibres in a country as hot as India. Cool it is not!
What I suggest to returning visitors to Goa who want the quiet life is, never book a 'holiday' or package. Go flight only then you can decide where you wish to stay and you can move on if you are unhappy.

Any chance we can get back to the original thread? This is getting tedious!
Yes it is getting boring , but i cant understand why so many British football fans insist on wearing their football shirts all the time on holiday, when their Idols the Players wouldnt be seen dead in their shirts off the football feild.
Why do their Female partners allow it, come on girls start a campaign for better dressed men, tell them how silly they look, and put a ban on Football Shirts.
You know you can do it

If I wanted to go out in a football shirt oh would go somewhere else, unless watching an england game.
lets get back to the original question now- where can Stephen go, north or south, that is peaceful?

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