I lived in Bodrum for 3 years and I don't remember seeing many wasps at all, there was certainly not a wasp problem anywhere. Where did your friend stay?
The only wasps I have seen in 20 years was on Icmeler beach last October and they seemed to be attracted to the wicker sunshades!
Oludeniz was riddled in them in july 2009 , if you went out for a meal after dark it was fine but any earlier and they were all over your dinner , also last year in icmeler july again there was a problem around the pool and my niece got stung twice , i still go back every year though
icmeler has a problem with wasps especisaly if you stay away from the centre as you walk around they most hotels have loads of flowering bushes which look butiful but atract wasps and if you travel over to turunch you see loads of hives just off the road side
The hives are for honey bees - not wasps!! We live on the Bodrum peninsula for half the year (summer months) and have never been bothered by wasps. Last year, we had a couple of nights in a hotel in Hisaronu and there were loads of them. I think they were attracted by the drink that had been spilled and food left lying around (we were in an all-inclusive hotel). When we are at home over there, we don't get bothered by them at all. Maybe it's something to do with the sweet things being left about?
I think you have certain times of the year, where the problem is worse than others. I also have been told that usually the 'wasps' are in fact bees, but they look more like the wasps we are used to in the UK. Later in the season seems to be the worst time around Turunc, they are very slow and drony, however I don't recall any of our family so far has being stung , so although when they are around they can be a bit of a nuisance they don't seem to be particularly aggressive. We put coffee in a saucer and set light to it to keep them away at times when they are around.
we were told that when we stoppe in hotel close to the road to turunc it was really hot for the time of year and there seemed to be hundreds of them espicially round the edge of the pool we were told they were taking on water to cool the hive never been stung on holiday yet but we go to gumbet now and they dont seem to have that problem
Well, we go to Icmeler twice a year, and we've never had a problem with wasps. We usually go around October, and you do see a few around then, but it's never been a problem for us - either in the centre or in the old village.
didnt stop going to icmeler because of the wasps just wanted a change after 10 years of going still love the place its just the travel from the airport gumbet hasnt the same feel as icmeler

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