Hisaronu Koyu near Marmaris
10.45am local time
Air Temp: 25.8c
Sunbed Temp: 44.2c
Clear blue sky, sunny and warm. Breeze building slowly until this evening when it will die off again.
Off in the boat to find a deserted beach to pull up on.
Clear blue skies with a slight hint of a breeze
Its getting warmer by the day now but we still have a cooling breeze of an evening
back balcony 30 degrees front balcony 43 degrees
Hisaronu Koyu near Marmaris
11.00am local time
Air Temp: 26.6c
Sunbed Temp: 47.1c
Clear blue sky, sunny and warm. Gentle breeze.
The tree crickets are slowly getting more noisy now.
How was Gypsy Beach, John? We went out on the boat and found a deserted beach out on the right hand side of the bay opposite Turgut Bay. Snorkelling and a picnic - can't beat it.
11.00am local time
Air Temp: 26.6c
Sunbed Temp: 47.1c
Clear blue sky, sunny and warm. Gentle breeze.
The tree crickets are slowly getting more noisy now.
How was Gypsy Beach, John? We went out on the boat and found a deserted beach out on the right hand side of the bay opposite Turgut Bay. Snorkelling and a picnic - can't beat it.
Back balcony 29 degrees and the front balcony 42 degrees
The sky looks a hazy blue at the moment but will burn away as the day progresses
I may pop over to Turunc for an hour today for a change of scenery
Gypsy beach was a great relaxing day as usual but more people than usual at 36 but the bar owner was a happy man
Tried a few plugs and spinners in the sea and got a few small fish interested but nothing taking so need to alter my times to catch the bigger fish coming in at sunset
Hisaronu Koyu near Marmaris
11.00am local time
Air Temp: 27.3c
Sunbed Temp: 49.3c
Clear blue sky, sunny, very warm with gentle breeze.
John, don't make this place too popular or I'll have to move on!!!
I'll see how the wind goes next week and maybe give you a shout if you fancy a day out on the boat fishing. PM me your mobile number.
11.00am local time
Air Temp: 27.3c
Sunbed Temp: 49.3c
Clear blue sky, sunny, very warm with gentle breeze.
John, don't make this place too popular or I'll have to move on!!!
I'll see how the wind goes next week and maybe give you a shout if you fancy a day out on the boat fishing. PM me your mobile number.
Today will be a scorcher and there isn't a hint of a breeze
Back balcony 31 degrees but the front balcony is giving a whopping 45 degrees and that is not coming through a window or anything to magnify it
Off into Marmaris today to get a bit of shopping and maybe sit in the harbour and eat some calamari, have a cold Efes or two and watch the ships go by
Paul only I know the whereabouts so not to worry but if it is discovered then I have a few more secret places where the masses have not reached yet
Fishing sounds great, I have not had one fish since I git here in February but have been using lures
PM on the way
Hisaronu Koyu near Marmaris
11.00am local time
Air Temp: 27.9c
Sunbed Temp: 48.7c
Clear blue sky, sunny, very warm with gentle breeze.
Make sure not only you put on high factor sun cream but do the kids too. Saw one tot down in Marmaris that was burned to a frazzle and had obviously been to hospital as the poor kiddie was covered in some green lotion!!!
The sun is very, very strong 57c has been the top 'in direct sun' temp we've had so far.
11.00am local time
Air Temp: 27.9c
Sunbed Temp: 48.7c
Clear blue sky, sunny, very warm with gentle breeze.
Make sure not only you put on high factor sun cream but do the kids too. Saw one tot down in Marmaris that was burned to a frazzle and had obviously been to hospital as the poor kiddie was covered in some green lotion!!!
The sun is very, very strong 57c has been the top 'in direct sun' temp we've had so far.
31 degrees on the back balcony and 41 on front balcony
no wind over here in Icmeler but last night there was a good breeze which kept the evening temperatures to 29 degrees
Im off to Selimye soon with a gang of Turkish friends to our favourite restaurant to relax and eat fresh Calamari so hoping for a breeze over there
Hisaronu Koyu near Marmaris
13.00pm local time
Air Temp: 28.4c
Sunbed Temp: 54.0c
Clear blue sky, breeze building slowly. Very hot.
13.00pm local time
Air Temp: 28.4c
Sunbed Temp: 54.0c
Clear blue sky, breeze building slowly. Very hot.
I'm on my way to Marmaris this coming Saturday 25th

I have been keeping an eye on the weather by using this web site....
I would just like to give John Toohey & Big Paul a very big thank you for taking the time to enter the daily weather report.

You guys are the type of guys that make this web site a delight to use.
Thank you.
I have to agree brionline, they are doing a great job, although I'm not going till 3rd September I still keep looking at the weather reports on here lol
Clear blue skies and a nice breeze still blowing
Lots of burned bodies in the resort yesterday so you really need to be putting on a high factor or you will look like a lobster
Back balcony 31 degrees and the front one is 48 degrees
Hisaronu Koyu near Marmaris
13.00pm local time
Air Temp: 28.3c
Sunbed Temp: 54.9c
Clear blue sky, sunny and very warm. Gentle breeze. Remember that high factor sun cream!!!!!
Thank you for the thanks.
13.00pm local time
Air Temp: 28.3c
Sunbed Temp: 54.9c
Clear blue sky, sunny and very warm. Gentle breeze. Remember that high factor sun cream!!!!!
Thank you for the thanks.
Blue skies with a nice cooling breeze here in the village in Icmeler
32 degrees on the back balcony and erm well the gauge only goes to 50 and its gone well past that on the front balcony
Make sure you bring high factor creams if your visit is imminent
Hopefully I will be getting a digital weather station next week so no more relying on the red line
Hisaronu Koyu near Marmaris
12 noon local time
Air Temp: 27.9c
Sunbed Temp: 50.2c
Clear blue sky, sunny and very warm. Gentle breeze. hot, hot, hot. Cream up well, especially on boat trips!
Good run of weather at the moment but strong winds forecast tomorrow and Monday - no fishing
12 noon local time
Air Temp: 27.9c
Sunbed Temp: 50.2c
Clear blue sky, sunny and very warm. Gentle breeze. hot, hot, hot. Cream up well, especially on boat trips!
Good run of weather at the moment but strong winds forecast tomorrow and Monday - no fishing

Its and early one this morning as I have a Gypsy Beach trip to "compere"
Back balcony 30 degrees and the front one 42 degrees
It looks like its going to be a hot one today so plenty of high factor needed
There is a breeze still outside to keep the heat down a little
I missed my first swim of the year yesterday but will make up for it today at Gypsy beach
Hisaronu Koyu near Marmaris
11.00am local time
Air Temp: 27c
Sunbed Temp: 46.3c
Heavy blizzard with deep drifting. Roads closed all around Marmaris due to deep snow. Only joking a bit fed up of typing the same review!
Clear blue sky, sunny and very warm. Gentle breeze (no sign of the big wind that was forecast - maybelater).
11.00am local time
Air Temp: 27c
Sunbed Temp: 46.3c
Heavy blizzard with deep drifting. Roads closed all around Marmaris due to deep snow. Only joking a bit fed up of typing the same review!

Clear blue sky, sunny and very warm. Gentle breeze (no sign of the big wind that was forecast - maybelater).

a lot cooler today with the forecast cool breeze arriving to keep the temperatures down
28 degrees on the back balcony and 35 on the front one
Off out soon to look at a new fishing area and this time I may get my first fish
Hisaronu Koyu near Marmaris
10.30am local time
Air Temp: 26.4c
Sunbed Temp: 41.3c
Clear blue sky, sunny and very warm. Strong, gusting wind which arrived about 1pm yesterday. It calmed down a bit yesterday evening but is back this morning and forecast to stay until tomorrow then dropping off in the evening. So 2 and a half days of all the stuff around blowing into the swimming pool - great
How was Gypsy Beach, John? Looked a bit choppy for a nice swim to me!
10.30am local time
Air Temp: 26.4c
Sunbed Temp: 41.3c
Clear blue sky, sunny and very warm. Strong, gusting wind which arrived about 1pm yesterday. It calmed down a bit yesterday evening but is back this morning and forecast to stay until tomorrow then dropping off in the evening. So 2 and a half days of all the stuff around blowing into the swimming pool - great

How was Gypsy Beach, John? Looked a bit choppy for a nice swim to me!
Still a noticable drop in temperatures here in Icmeler but very nice
Back balcony 28 degrees and the front one 38 degrees
There is a slight breeze but not like we had the last few days
Blue skies and not a cloud in sight
Went to Bozburun yesterday and ate fresh Calamari in a howling wind but it was a very nice day
Off to Mugla this afternoon to visit my butcher for a few T bone steaks as I have friends arriving at the weekend and they are partial to it
Paul: I did say that my first venture into a pool or the sea this year for a swim would be the 25th June but I still haven't done it as I would have needed a surf board if I had ventured in the last few days.
Maybe this weekend I will venture in so if you see a GreenPeace boat moored up in the bay don't worry it just caught sight of me

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